Sunday, October 19, 2008

Word of the Day

conglobate\kahn-GLOH-bayt\v. 1: to form into a round compact mass

Example Sentence: Jack alternately conglobated and flattened the bit of clay as he talked.

Did you know? "Conglobate" descends from the Latin verb "conglobare,"which in turn comes from the prefix "con-" (meaning "with" or "together") and "globus" (meaning "globe"). "Conglobare" also means "to form into a ball," and in the 16th century it gave us the word "conglobe," of the same meaning. a century after "conglobe" first appeared in print, it's cousin "conglobate" arrived on the scene. You may be wondering if the word "glob" is a relative too. "Glob" isn't linked directly to "conglobate," but it does have a possible link to "globe." Etymologists think that "glob" might have originated as a blend of "globe" and "blob."

My use: I like to conglobate my cookie dough before placing it on the cookie sheet.

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