Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Goal

I've decided that I'm going to start on a new 21 day goal (in addition to the exercise). I'm going to start keeping to my daily cleaning schedule. I think my entire family will love me more for that one!!


pick up house - upstairs and downstairs
clean off counters
do dishes
wipe off table
make beds
put toys in baskets


clean kitchen
wipe chairs
sweep and mop
vacuum main


water plants
clean up upstairs
wipe walls
laundry - at least 3 loads - wash, dry, fold, put away


vacuum house
clean bathrooms
change towels
bathroom floors
grocery shopping
laundry - at least 3 loads - wash, dry, fold, put away


clean mirrors
spot clean carpets
clean out fish bowl


vacuum main
clean kitchen
wash sheets
clean car out
laundry - at least 3 loads - wash, dry, fold, put away


pick up entire house
clean kitchen
sweep/vacuum if needed

1st Saturday of Month: windows and window sills
2nd Saturday of Month: clean showers and tubs
3rd Saturday of Month: kids toys
4th Saturday of Month: basement
5th Saturday of Month: clean carpets


I don't really like to do much work on Sunday's so I'll just keep up with:

pick up house
make grocery shopping list

I know it seems like a lot but once the house is clean it is really only doing 3 major cleaning things per day. Other than that it's just keeping up with picking up the house and dishes.

My house is a wreck right now so I'm going to work hard over the next week to get it straightened up. Today I'll start with the bathrooms and vacuuming.

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