I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
I made up a puzzle where I wrote each of the kids names on a piece of paper and then cut them out. I started with putting the puzzle together and told them that Just like every piece belongs to the puzzle, every on of them belong to our class. I also explained to them that belonging to something means being a part of it.
I asked them what else they belonged to. IE: family, neighborhood, pre-school class.
I then told them that each one of them belongs to Jesus' church.
Picture 1-39 What is happening in this picture? When they were born they each received a name and blessing and their names were put on the records of the church.
I had them all say "I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"
I then did the little hand play "This is the church, this is the steeple, open the doors and see all the people, close the doors, hear them pray, open the doors and they all run away."
We come to church to learn about Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father and what They want us to do.
I made signs that said:
Jesus' church has the Priesthood.
Jesus' church has a prophet.
Jesus' church has the scriptures.
We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I held up the sign (I mostly made these so I could know what I was talking about) and then showed the pictures.
Priesthood: Pictures 1-8, 1-12, 1-40 and 1-39 and we talked about the different things that men who hold the priesthood do.
Picture 1-18 we talked about Jesus being baptized and that when they turn 8 years old they'll be baptized and officially become a member of the church.
Prophet: Picture 1-4 talked about the first vision and that Joseph Smith was the first prophet of the restoration.
I brought in my Ensign from November (conference issue) with President Monson on the front and told them that he is our prophet today. I had them repeat his name for me. I told them that a prophet tells us what Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to know and that it's important that we have a prophet today to know what to do.
We sang Follow the Prophet.
Scriptures: I held up my scriptures and told them that we have the scriptures and that they teach us about Heavenly Father and Jesus and what they want us to do. I also told them that other churches have scriptures but that we're special because we have the Book of Mormon.
We sang Book of Mormon Stories.
I had them say "We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" again. And then asked them whose church we belong to.
To finish up I did "Jesus Christ Names His Church".
And we colored a picture.
Also, since it was the last Sunday of the month I asked the Sunbeam teacher, Sister Johnson, to come in during singing time so that she could meet the kids going into her class so they wouldn't be so afraid. I also gave them Graduation Certificates with a little story on the back. I'm going to Primary can be found here (the words) or you can find it here (it's a word file so you have to click on the right link.) I actually cut out the pictures and re-typed the words using the actual Sunbeam teacher's name.
My frustrations this week included: once again, my little tornado who tore one of the pictures, no helper at all for the first hour (even though one was supposed to be coming) and the helper for the second hour brought her husband and it was just TOO much for the little room we're in. Plus he kept making comments about it being a torture chamber, and the pits of hell, and if he were ever called to the nursery he'd go inactive. And he and his wife spent the whole time talking to each other. So, in all actuality it would have been easier to just do it myself. I found myself rushing through the whole lesson and wasn't happy with the way I presented it. I was disappointed because the girl who was going to help me is my friend and she babysits 10 kids every day so she would have been really helpful if her husband wasn't there.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Nursery Lesson #46
The Christmas Lesson
The Birth of Jesus Christ
I started out by asking if they were excited for Christmas. Of course they all said that they were. Then I asked them if they knew why we have Christmas and explained to them that at Christmas we are celebrating when Jesus was born.
I then used the "New Testament Stories" book (picture scriptures) put out by the church to tell the story of the angel visiting Mary. Chapter 2 in the book.
Then I used picture 1-76 and told them that the people had to pay taxes so Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem. I also told them that there was no room at the inn.
Picture 1-75 I told them that Jesus was born in a stable, laid in a manger and that Mary and Joseph named him Jesus.
Picture 1-77 Angels came to the shepherds and they went to visit Baby Jesus.
Picture 1-78 The 3 Wise Men saw the star and came to find Baby Jesus.
Picture 1-16 We want to be like Jesus. The birth of Jesus was one of the most important things that has ever happened on the earth. I love Jesus very much and want to be like Him. Then I asked them how they can be like Jesus and gave examples like being nice to siblings, minding parents, etc.
I had them color a picture. Actually they didn't get to color the picture that I'd originally intended because the new librarian lost it so we did the nativity from the December friend. The one I wanted them to color was this.
While they were coloring I acted out the story using these which I cut out and colored and mounted on colored paper.
And then I read them my favorite children's Christmas story "Room For A Little One" written by Martin Waddell and illustrated by Jason Cockcroft. Go get it. You'll love it.
My frustrations for the day included my little tornado, no help in the nursery (my partner is out having heart surgery - which they were planning for, just not that week) and having to cut things a little short to go into the Primary and get Christmas treats (it wasn't that bad, it just would have been easier to not have to control 4 kids while they said the closing prayer in nursery when they could have just as easily just brought them to us.) Luckily I only had 6 kids and 2 of them left early to go to a family Christmas party.
The Birth of Jesus Christ
I started out by asking if they were excited for Christmas. Of course they all said that they were. Then I asked them if they knew why we have Christmas and explained to them that at Christmas we are celebrating when Jesus was born.
I then used the "New Testament Stories" book (picture scriptures) put out by the church to tell the story of the angel visiting Mary. Chapter 2 in the book.
Then I used picture 1-76 and told them that the people had to pay taxes so Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem. I also told them that there was no room at the inn.
Picture 1-75 I told them that Jesus was born in a stable, laid in a manger and that Mary and Joseph named him Jesus.
Picture 1-77 Angels came to the shepherds and they went to visit Baby Jesus.
Picture 1-78 The 3 Wise Men saw the star and came to find Baby Jesus.
Picture 1-16 We want to be like Jesus. The birth of Jesus was one of the most important things that has ever happened on the earth. I love Jesus very much and want to be like Him. Then I asked them how they can be like Jesus and gave examples like being nice to siblings, minding parents, etc.
I had them color a picture. Actually they didn't get to color the picture that I'd originally intended because the new librarian lost it so we did the nativity from the December friend. The one I wanted them to color was this.
While they were coloring I acted out the story using these which I cut out and colored and mounted on colored paper.
And then I read them my favorite children's Christmas story "Room For A Little One" written by Martin Waddell and illustrated by Jason Cockcroft. Go get it. You'll love it.
My frustrations for the day included my little tornado, no help in the nursery (my partner is out having heart surgery - which they were planning for, just not that week) and having to cut things a little short to go into the Primary and get Christmas treats (it wasn't that bad, it just would have been easier to not have to control 4 kids while they said the closing prayer in nursery when they could have just as easily just brought them to us.) Luckily I only had 6 kids and 2 of them left early to go to a family Christmas party.
Discovery Health Challenge
I'm going to be participating in the Discovery Health National Body Challenge.
Go here to sign up or find out more.
I have gained back 5 pounds since my accident and having not worked out since then. So I'm up to 163. My goal for the 8 week challenge is to get down to 147.
I'll be working out between 60-90 minutes a day and making sure to eat properly.
I've been thinking a lot lately about what I eat. I've (mostly) gotten under control the amount of food that I eat. Now I need to think more about the quality of what I eat. I'm going to make sure to be eating better foods. No fast foods. (prices have all gone up anyway - who can afford to eat out any more?) That means I'll be cooking 3 meals a day. Which means I'll be keeping up with dishes. Which means I might as well keep up on the rest of the house. It's all a big continuous circle.
Also, my friend Amanda has put me in charge of helping her keep her New Years Resolutions. Luckily she has all the same goals I have. Getting up, working out, getting ready for the day, keeping the house clean and feeding her family. So it should work out pretty well. I don't really believe in New Years Resolutions because I think you should make and keep goals at any time and it seems like a lot of people make these HUGE, outrageous goals at New Years and keep them for about a month then give up. I believe in making small achievable goals that you can reach and then going on to the next step.
Go here to sign up or find out more.
I have gained back 5 pounds since my accident and having not worked out since then. So I'm up to 163. My goal for the 8 week challenge is to get down to 147.
I'll be working out between 60-90 minutes a day and making sure to eat properly.
I've been thinking a lot lately about what I eat. I've (mostly) gotten under control the amount of food that I eat. Now I need to think more about the quality of what I eat. I'm going to make sure to be eating better foods. No fast foods. (prices have all gone up anyway - who can afford to eat out any more?) That means I'll be cooking 3 meals a day. Which means I'll be keeping up with dishes. Which means I might as well keep up on the rest of the house. It's all a big continuous circle.
Also, my friend Amanda has put me in charge of helping her keep her New Years Resolutions. Luckily she has all the same goals I have. Getting up, working out, getting ready for the day, keeping the house clean and feeding her family. So it should work out pretty well. I don't really believe in New Years Resolutions because I think you should make and keep goals at any time and it seems like a lot of people make these HUGE, outrageous goals at New Years and keep them for about a month then give up. I believe in making small achievable goals that you can reach and then going on to the next step.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
More Time Off
With Christmas just around the corner my husband has decided to take the next week - or so - off. So I'll be back when he goes back to work.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
3 Things
1. I am so grateful that we got the Tahoe yesterday and that it seems to be working well.
2. I'm thankful for my sweet Daddy who spent the entire afternoon running me and the boys around.
3. I' glad that Tyler isn't extremely sick and that we didn't have any more croup episodes last night.
2. I'm thankful for my sweet Daddy who spent the entire afternoon running me and the boys around.
3. I' glad that Tyler isn't extremely sick and that we didn't have any more croup episodes last night.
Word of the Day
kickshaw\KICK-shaw\n. 1: a fancy dish 2: a showy trifle
Example Sentence: The shop was filled with refrigerator magnets, back-scratchers, snow globes, and other kickshaws, all adorned with images of smiling pigs.
Did you know? "Kickshaw" began its career in the late 16th century as a borrowing from the French "quelque chose" - literally, "something." In line with the French pronunciation of the day, the "I" was dropped and the word was anglicized as "kickshaws" or "kickshoes." English speakers soon lost all consciousness of the word's French origin and, by taking "kickshaws" as plural, created the new singular noun "kickshaw."
Example Sentence: The shop was filled with refrigerator magnets, back-scratchers, snow globes, and other kickshaws, all adorned with images of smiling pigs.
Did you know? "Kickshaw" began its career in the late 16th century as a borrowing from the French "quelque chose" - literally, "something." In line with the French pronunciation of the day, the "I" was dropped and the word was anglicized as "kickshaws" or "kickshoes." English speakers soon lost all consciousness of the word's French origin and, by taking "kickshaws" as plural, created the new singular noun "kickshaw."
Getting Going Day 16
Today I got up at 7:30 and straight into the shower. We had to get ready early today to go have breakfast with Santa at school. It was so much fun. And then I've been working on getting carseats together.
Going to Bed Day 14
I got to bed at 10 last night. Good thing, once again, because I was up 3 times with my youngest and for an hour and a half straight with my oldest.
Cleaning Day 35
So I didn't really do a lot of cleaning. Just some picking up. I ended up dealing with my sick-o kid, putting carseats together, going to the doctor and going to pick up my Tahoe. Yea!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Word of the Day
remora\rih-MOR-uh\n. 1: any of various marine fishes that have a suction disk on the head by means of which they cling especially to other fishes 2: hindrance, drag
Example Sentence: Remoras feed on parasites culled from their host's skin and scraps from their host's meals.
Did you know? Also known as "shark suckers" or "suckerfish," remoras are long, thin, dark fishes that are distributed throughout the world in warm seas. Ancient sailors believed remoras had the power to slow or even stop a ship by attaching themselves to it; the name "remora," which means "delay" in Latin, arose from this ancient superstition. The poor remora's reputation isn't much better today. Even though remoras don't harm their hosts, they are popularly thought of as unwanted guests who get a free ride and a free meal by way of the efforts of others. It is therefore common to see "remora" used metaphorically in such contexts as "hungry paparazzi who attach themselves like remoras to celebrities."
Example Sentence: Remoras feed on parasites culled from their host's skin and scraps from their host's meals.
Did you know? Also known as "shark suckers" or "suckerfish," remoras are long, thin, dark fishes that are distributed throughout the world in warm seas. Ancient sailors believed remoras had the power to slow or even stop a ship by attaching themselves to it; the name "remora," which means "delay" in Latin, arose from this ancient superstition. The poor remora's reputation isn't much better today. Even though remoras don't harm their hosts, they are popularly thought of as unwanted guests who get a free ride and a free meal by way of the efforts of others. It is therefore common to see "remora" used metaphorically in such contexts as "hungry paparazzi who attach themselves like remoras to celebrities."
3 Things
1. I am grateful that I went to bed at 10 instead of staying up late like I have the last 2 weeks.
2. I am grateful that they had one of the two carseats I need and am hopeful that I will find another one today... somewhere.
3. I am grateful that Tyler only had one episode of croup last night and that he seems to be doing much better today.
2. I am grateful that they had one of the two carseats I need and am hopeful that I will find another one today... somewhere.
3. I am grateful that Tyler only had one episode of croup last night and that he seems to be doing much better today.
Getting Going Day 15
So I'm up but not moving real fast. I'm trying to get ahold of the Dr. to take Tyler - which will be something seeing as I still don't have a vehicle. I'm also trying to get ahold of my parents to see if I can mooch off of them for a ride. If I get a chance my goal for today is to clean up upstairs.
Personal Scriptures/Nightly Routine/Going to Bed
I went to WalMart last night to buy new carseats (we have to replace the carseats that were in the Tahoe) and they only had one of the two we need so I came home mad and got the, "you should have done it last week when I told you so." So I went to bed mad - no scriptures, no nightly routine but I was in bed by 10. Luckily.
Ethan was up 2 times before 2 am. Tyler was up at 2 with croup and I was up with him and going in to Ethan occasionally until about 6:30 this morning. I got to sleep until about 8:30. So I'm tired.
Ethan was up 2 times before 2 am. Tyler was up at 2 with croup and I was up with him and going in to Ethan occasionally until about 6:30 this morning. I got to sleep until about 8:30. So I'm tired.
Cleaning Day 34
I cleaned up my main level other than my kitchen counter has some paperwork I need to go through. And I still have a few dishes that need to be done. I even vacuumed! My goal was to clean the upstairs but didn't get to it.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Nursery Helps
The two best sites I've found for help in the nursery are Sugardoodle and The Idea Door. Both have lots of good ideas and links to church sites, as well as others. Now if I can just find some ideas for controlling your own child while serving in the nursery......
Nursery Lesson #41
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Gave us the Scriptures
Open with prayer
I wrapped up my scriptures in gold wrapping paper and put a bow on top. Since Christmas is coming up I asked all the kids what holiday was coming and what they got for Christmas. They all said "PRESENTS!" We opened my scriptures and talked about the scriptures being important books.
I told them that we have to be very gentle with the scriptures and not throw them around and to make sure to turn the pages very carefully.
I told the kids that the scriptures tell stories that are true and help us to know what Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to do.
I read the poem "When I Read the Scriptures" by Barbara Wren Tuttle
When I read the scriptures,
I feel the Spirit near.
When I read the scriptures,
The Savior's voice I hear.
When I read the scriptures,
They help me when I pray.
When I read the scriptures,
They guide me through the day.
When I read the scriptures,
The Savior's words are clear.
When I read the scriptures,
I feel the spirit near.
After that I had 4 pictures and coordinating scriptures I talked about - one each from the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. The pictures each came from the Gospel Art kit that comes with the Primary 1 manual.
Picture 1-70 and Luke 22:19
Picture 1-44 and 3 Nephi 18:21
Picture 1-3 and D&C 59:6
After talking about this picture we sang the song "Jesus Said Love Everyone"
Picture 1-18 and Moses 7:11
(I really liked that all the pictures and scripture were about Jesus or something that He taught - showing that Jesus is in all 4 books of scripture.)
After that we did "Ways to Read the Scriptures" (click on the link and go to the very bottom under "stories")
Concluding the lesson I held up the scriptures and asked the kids what they were and who teaches in the scriptures. I also asked them if they were happy that Heavenly Father and Jesus gave us the scriptures.
We closed with singing "Book of Mormon Stories" with the actions and a prayer.
I did a coloring page and also made them each a mini Book of Mormon.
I have to say that my little Ethan was like a terrible little tornado the entire time I was trying to teach the lesson. Horrible. He ran all over the room screaming and trying to fight with kids or pulling them over by yanking on their clothing. It was very difficult for me to try to control him as well as give the lesson. The other nursery leader had all the other 9 kids so there wasn't much she could do either. We just struggled through it.
My other challenge for the day was that I had a new little boy come in for the first time and they aren't a very active family and they never leave their kids any where. So both he and his big sister cried if their parents left the room. So I had one parent or the other in there the whole time and they ended up leaving about a half an hour early. I just wanted to take them by the shoulders and shake them and tell them the importance of coming to church EVERY week. I taught Sunbeams when we were first married and I had a little boy that would come every couple of weeks or longer and it was so hard on him. Then they'd come in good little spurts and he'd be so good. He knew that church was something that they did and he behaved.
Open with prayer
I wrapped up my scriptures in gold wrapping paper and put a bow on top. Since Christmas is coming up I asked all the kids what holiday was coming and what they got for Christmas. They all said "PRESENTS!" We opened my scriptures and talked about the scriptures being important books.
I told them that we have to be very gentle with the scriptures and not throw them around and to make sure to turn the pages very carefully.
I told the kids that the scriptures tell stories that are true and help us to know what Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to do.
I read the poem "When I Read the Scriptures" by Barbara Wren Tuttle
When I read the scriptures,
I feel the Spirit near.
When I read the scriptures,
The Savior's voice I hear.
When I read the scriptures,
They help me when I pray.
When I read the scriptures,
They guide me through the day.
When I read the scriptures,
The Savior's words are clear.
When I read the scriptures,
I feel the spirit near.
After that I had 4 pictures and coordinating scriptures I talked about - one each from the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. The pictures each came from the Gospel Art kit that comes with the Primary 1 manual.
Picture 1-70 and Luke 22:19
Picture 1-44 and 3 Nephi 18:21
Picture 1-3 and D&C 59:6
After talking about this picture we sang the song "Jesus Said Love Everyone"
Picture 1-18 and Moses 7:11
(I really liked that all the pictures and scripture were about Jesus or something that He taught - showing that Jesus is in all 4 books of scripture.)
After that we did "Ways to Read the Scriptures" (click on the link and go to the very bottom under "stories")
Concluding the lesson I held up the scriptures and asked the kids what they were and who teaches in the scriptures. I also asked them if they were happy that Heavenly Father and Jesus gave us the scriptures.
We closed with singing "Book of Mormon Stories" with the actions and a prayer.
I did a coloring page and also made them each a mini Book of Mormon.
I have to say that my little Ethan was like a terrible little tornado the entire time I was trying to teach the lesson. Horrible. He ran all over the room screaming and trying to fight with kids or pulling them over by yanking on their clothing. It was very difficult for me to try to control him as well as give the lesson. The other nursery leader had all the other 9 kids so there wasn't much she could do either. We just struggled through it.
My other challenge for the day was that I had a new little boy come in for the first time and they aren't a very active family and they never leave their kids any where. So both he and his big sister cried if their parents left the room. So I had one parent or the other in there the whole time and they ended up leaving about a half an hour early. I just wanted to take them by the shoulders and shake them and tell them the importance of coming to church EVERY week. I taught Sunbeams when we were first married and I had a little boy that would come every couple of weeks or longer and it was so hard on him. Then they'd come in good little spurts and he'd be so good. He knew that church was something that they did and he behaved.
New Goals
I am going to set 2 new goals.
1. I am going to make it a goal to go to the temple at least 2 times a month. Once by myself and once with my husband. I'm going to start by going to get my recommend signed tomorrow night by the stake presidency. I've had my new recommend signed by the bishopric for about a month and a half or maybe even 2 months. Yikes! Then I'm going to set the goal to go to the temple by myself the first Tuesday of the month and then try to pin my hubby down for another date later in the month.
2. I am going to make it a goal to fulfill my calling in the nursery to the best of my ability. If I'm going to be in there I'm going to make the most of it and be the best darn nursery leader those kids have seen! I am going to prepare my lesson and have it ready to go so I'm not stressing about it on Sunday morning. I am also going to figure out ways to get the kids to sit still and listen to the ENTIRE lesson (or at least most of them). I am also going to figure out how to deal with my own little two year old tornado in the nursery. He will be my biggest challenge. Also, since I'm doing a lesson that's on my kids level every week anyway - I'll use that for my FHE lesson. I know. I'm a cheater!!
1. I am going to make it a goal to go to the temple at least 2 times a month. Once by myself and once with my husband. I'm going to start by going to get my recommend signed tomorrow night by the stake presidency. I've had my new recommend signed by the bishopric for about a month and a half or maybe even 2 months. Yikes! Then I'm going to set the goal to go to the temple by myself the first Tuesday of the month and then try to pin my hubby down for another date later in the month.
2. I am going to make it a goal to fulfill my calling in the nursery to the best of my ability. If I'm going to be in there I'm going to make the most of it and be the best darn nursery leader those kids have seen! I am going to prepare my lesson and have it ready to go so I'm not stressing about it on Sunday morning. I am also going to figure out ways to get the kids to sit still and listen to the ENTIRE lesson (or at least most of them). I am also going to figure out how to deal with my own little two year old tornado in the nursery. He will be my biggest challenge. Also, since I'm doing a lesson that's on my kids level every week anyway - I'll use that for my FHE lesson. I know. I'm a cheater!!
3 Things
1. I am grateful for my family and all the time and money they've spent running me around while I don't have a car.
2. I am grateful for the time my husband has had off the last week (and the week of Thanksgiving) to be able to help me around the house and so that I could have a car. It has been so nice for him to get a break after working so hard since at least September. And the boys really enjoyed having him home to play with.
3. I am grateful that I'm feeling much better and that life is getting back to normal.
2. I am grateful for the time my husband has had off the last week (and the week of Thanksgiving) to be able to help me around the house and so that I could have a car. It has been so nice for him to get a break after working so hard since at least September. And the boys really enjoyed having him home to play with.
3. I am grateful that I'm feeling much better and that life is getting back to normal.
Word of the Day
prelapsarian\pree-lap-SAIR-ee-un\adj. 1: characteristic of or belonging too the time or state before the fall of humankind.
Example Sentence: In the afternoon we walked through the idyllic gardens, noting their prelapsarian charm.
Did you know? "Prelapsarian" is the latest creation in the "lapsarian" family, which is etymologically related to Latin "lapsus," meaning "slip" or "fall." "Supralapsarian" is the firstborn, appearing in 1633 as a word for someone who held the belief that people were predestined to either eternal life or eternal death before the Creation and the Fall (the event in the Bible when Adam and Eve were forced to leave the Garden of Eden because they had sinned against God). Next in line is "sublapsarian," which refers to a person who adhered to the view that God foresaw and permitted the Fall and after the Fall decreed predestination to eternal life as a means of saving some of the human race. That word first appears in 1656 and was followed by its synonym, "infralapsarian," in distant 1731. "Postlapsarian," meaning "of, relating to, or characteristic of the time or state after the Fall," appeared two years later, and "prelapsarian" was delayed until 1879.
Example Sentence: In the afternoon we walked through the idyllic gardens, noting their prelapsarian charm.
Did you know? "Prelapsarian" is the latest creation in the "lapsarian" family, which is etymologically related to Latin "lapsus," meaning "slip" or "fall." "Supralapsarian" is the firstborn, appearing in 1633 as a word for someone who held the belief that people were predestined to either eternal life or eternal death before the Creation and the Fall (the event in the Bible when Adam and Eve were forced to leave the Garden of Eden because they had sinned against God). Next in line is "sublapsarian," which refers to a person who adhered to the view that God foresaw and permitted the Fall and after the Fall decreed predestination to eternal life as a means of saving some of the human race. That word first appears in 1656 and was followed by its synonym, "infralapsarian," in distant 1731. "Postlapsarian," meaning "of, relating to, or characteristic of the time or state after the Fall," appeared two years later, and "prelapsarian" was delayed until 1879.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 10
Today we read 1 Nephi 13. It is part of the vision to Nephi of the happenings of the world. It was a long chapter and pretty rough to get through with the kids but we made it. Ethan didn't want to sit still for all of it - he actually changed his clothes two different times while we were reading but Tyler was really good and sat and listened the whole time. He even made the comment that he loves the scriptures and the Book of Mormon. My brother was here and is quite the accomplished scholar in the religious sense and we had some good little insight from him.
Getting Going Day 14
Okay, so I know it's not technically day 14 but I'm just going to pick up where I left off. I slept until about 8:30 and then got up and got the kids breakfast. My brother came to visit so I took that opportunity to pick up the main level and work on the dishes. I still have a lot to do today but I'm up and moving!
Okay, so...
I've taken my time getting back to my blogging world. The accident threw me off, I still don't have my car, and then my husband took some time off work and isn't too keen on me being on the computer all day. Imagine that! :)
So, anyway, I'm back to it. I'm still not exercising but I've been trying to at least maintain what I had before in all the other areas.
Fasting: I fasted on the 7th, fast Sunday. We had a ward fast for one of the men in our ward who was in an accident a while ago and is still having problems from it. I also fasted that we'll be able to start doing the things we need to be doing to be a better family and have a better marriage. Including, but not limited to: FHE, going to the temple, date nights, keeping the house clean, etc.
Visiting Teaching: I made my appointments on the 9th and went to visit one sister the 11th and the other 2 on the 12th. I have a new partner and one new sister. I think that I'll be able to do my visiting teaching now - we all have fairly compatible schedules.
New Calling: I was called to be a nursery leader. When they first asked me all I wanted to do was scream "NOOOOOOOO!" but I didn't and accepted the call. It will be a good learning experience for me. And they promised that it will only be 6 months. We'll see. I don't know of anyone who that has actually happened for. I will be in there with Ethan, my youngest. It will be good for us to be together but so far (I've been in there the last 2 weeks) it has proved to be a great pain in the bottom. He is my biggest challenge in nursery. I think it will be better in 2 weeks when the older kids go out and he will be one of only 2 boys in the class. I think he'll settle down a little bit. I hope...
I was blessed in my setting apart that I would be able to fulfill the calling and that Heavenly Father knows my struggles at home and being with my 2 boys all the time and that He will help me in my life. He told me to rely on Him and learn to turn to Him in times of need (like ALWAYS). I have also been blessed to be able to know what to do to deal with toddler's head strong personalities. I'm hoping that I'll be able to use that to help me in my daily struggles with my own head strong 2 year old. He also told me that I would be blessed in ways I never could have thought through serving in this calling.
So, anyway... I'm back to it. I'm still going to take it easy on exercising but I plan to start tomorrow or Wednesday (hopefully!)
So, anyway, I'm back to it. I'm still not exercising but I've been trying to at least maintain what I had before in all the other areas.
Fasting: I fasted on the 7th, fast Sunday. We had a ward fast for one of the men in our ward who was in an accident a while ago and is still having problems from it. I also fasted that we'll be able to start doing the things we need to be doing to be a better family and have a better marriage. Including, but not limited to: FHE, going to the temple, date nights, keeping the house clean, etc.
Visiting Teaching: I made my appointments on the 9th and went to visit one sister the 11th and the other 2 on the 12th. I have a new partner and one new sister. I think that I'll be able to do my visiting teaching now - we all have fairly compatible schedules.
New Calling: I was called to be a nursery leader. When they first asked me all I wanted to do was scream "NOOOOOOOO!" but I didn't and accepted the call. It will be a good learning experience for me. And they promised that it will only be 6 months. We'll see. I don't know of anyone who that has actually happened for. I will be in there with Ethan, my youngest. It will be good for us to be together but so far (I've been in there the last 2 weeks) it has proved to be a great pain in the bottom. He is my biggest challenge in nursery. I think it will be better in 2 weeks when the older kids go out and he will be one of only 2 boys in the class. I think he'll settle down a little bit. I hope...
I was blessed in my setting apart that I would be able to fulfill the calling and that Heavenly Father knows my struggles at home and being with my 2 boys all the time and that He will help me in my life. He told me to rely on Him and learn to turn to Him in times of need (like ALWAYS). I have also been blessed to be able to know what to do to deal with toddler's head strong personalities. I'm hoping that I'll be able to use that to help me in my daily struggles with my own head strong 2 year old. He also told me that I would be blessed in ways I never could have thought through serving in this calling.
So, anyway... I'm back to it. I'm still going to take it easy on exercising but I plan to start tomorrow or Wednesday (hopefully!)
Monday, December 1, 2008
I was in a car accident last Wednesday so I'm going to take some time off of exercising for that. I'll get back to my regular posting on Wednesday. I'll be gone at the Chiropractor's all day tomorrow.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm just going to say that in honor of the holiday - and in honor of having my hard-working hubby home for the week - I'm going to take it off. I'm going to allow myself to be lazy and pig out for the week. I am determined though that I will keep my house clean and will continue to do my reading and such. I probably won't post for the week because I want to spend every minute I can with my hubby while he's here. Yea!!! Hooray for time off!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Word of the Day
gravid\GRAV-id\adj. 1: pregnant 2: distended with or full of eggs
Example Sentence: The film is about the world of mixed martial arts, a subject gravid with possibilities.
Did you know? "Gravid" comes from Latin "gravis," meaning "heavy." It can refer to a female who is literally pregnant, and it also has the figurative meanings of "pregnant": "full or teeming" and "meaningful." Thus, a writer may be gravid with ideas as she sits down to write; a cloud may be gravid with rain; or a speaker may make a gravid pause before announcing his remarkable findings.
Example Sentence: The film is about the world of mixed martial arts, a subject gravid with possibilities.
Did you know? "Gravid" comes from Latin "gravis," meaning "heavy." It can refer to a female who is literally pregnant, and it also has the figurative meanings of "pregnant": "full or teeming" and "meaningful." Thus, a writer may be gravid with ideas as she sits down to write; a cloud may be gravid with rain; or a speaker may make a gravid pause before announcing his remarkable findings.
3 Things
1. I am grateful that Greenlee was good today.
2. I'm thankful that my Dad was able to watch my boys for me tonight so I could go to Relief Society with my Mom.
3. I am grateful for the opportunity I've had to serve in the Relief Society. I've been in there since the December after I had Tyler so it'll be almost 4 years now. I served first as the Secretary and then they put me on the board and in charge of the craft group. It's been a lot of fun and I've really enjoyed getting to know the sisters in the ward.
2. I'm thankful that my Dad was able to watch my boys for me tonight so I could go to Relief Society with my Mom.
3. I am grateful for the opportunity I've had to serve in the Relief Society. I've been in there since the December after I had Tyler so it'll be almost 4 years now. I served first as the Secretary and then they put me on the board and in charge of the craft group. It's been a lot of fun and I've really enjoyed getting to know the sisters in the ward.
Cleaning Day 33
I think I swept the kitchen/dining room floor about 3 times today. My house is still in pretty good condition after yesterday. I just kept it that way. Swept, swept, swept, picked up, and did laundry.
Exercise Day 47
Today I did Power 90 Sweat! Cardio 1-2 for 35 minutes, Ab Ripper 100 for 10 minutes, and Fat to Firm Fast for 22 minutes - I only got to do half of it because I had crazy ornery kids and then had to get them to school, and then had to go set up for Relief Society, then had to go..... Oh, you know how it goes.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Going to Bed Day 13
Well it's going to be about 10:45 to 11 before I get to bed tonight. I'm a slacker.
Night Time Routine Day 1
I brushed my teeth and flossed but that was it. Nice start to my new goal...
Cleaning Day 32
Today I totally kicked butt. I cleaned up my entire main level plus did some laundry. I picked up, swept, cleaned the counter off, wiped it, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, dishes, and cleaned/wiped off the table. And I did all this with 4 little boys running wild and crazy all afternoon!
Word of the Day
deportment\dih-PORT-munt\n. 1: the manner in which one conducts oneself: behavior
Example Sentence: The school expects students to dress in proper attire and maintain a respectful level of deportment throughout the day.
Did you know? "Deportment" evolved from the verb "deport," meaning "to behave especially in accord with a code," which in turn came to us through Middle French from Latin "deportare," meaning "to carry away." (You also know "deport" as a verb meaning "to send out of the country"; that sense is newer and is derived directly from Latin "deportare.") "Deportment" can simply refer to one's demeanor, or it can refer to behavior formed by breeding or training and often conforming to conventional rules of propriety: "Are you not gratified that I am so rapidly gaining correct ideas of female propriety and sedate deportment?" wrote 17-year-old Emily Dickinson to her brother Austin.
Example Sentence: The school expects students to dress in proper attire and maintain a respectful level of deportment throughout the day.
Did you know? "Deportment" evolved from the verb "deport," meaning "to behave especially in accord with a code," which in turn came to us through Middle French from Latin "deportare," meaning "to carry away." (You also know "deport" as a verb meaning "to send out of the country"; that sense is newer and is derived directly from Latin "deportare.") "Deportment" can simply refer to one's demeanor, or it can refer to behavior formed by breeding or training and often conforming to conventional rules of propriety: "Are you not gratified that I am so rapidly gaining correct ideas of female propriety and sedate deportment?" wrote 17-year-old Emily Dickinson to her brother Austin.
Daily Affirmations
I love my house. I love my house. I will get my house clean, to show how much I love it. And to show my husband how much I love him. I have all the motivation I need deep down inside me to get my house clean and keep it that way. I will teach my children that having a nice clean house is wonderful and will help them to have the desire to help keep it clean. I will also teach my husband that the trash is not too much further than the counter and it saves me a lot of time if he can just do that himself! And if the trash is full - change it! I will do everything in my power to stay on top of my house daily. Keep to my routine. It isn't hard at all when I do it little by little. Step by step. One toy at a time! And if I wouldn't let it get so bad in the first place then it wouldn't make so much work for me. I'll actually be saving myself work by doing it all on a daily basis rather than letting it all go, suffering with a dirty house until I can't stand it any longer, then working my butt off to get it clean - only to let it go again. Easier to keep it clean. Maintain rather than start over. Sounds good to me!
3 Things
1. I am SO grateful that I'm feeling better (mostly) today and that I was able to exercise. It totally kicked my butt though. I guess that's what happens when you take a week and a half off and still can't breathe through your nose!
2. I am so in love with my husband. He's sexy!
3. I love that my boys have been playing so well together lately.
2. I am so in love with my husband. He's sexy!
3. I love that my boys have been playing so well together lately.
Exercise Day 46
Today I got back into it and did Denise Austin's Total Body Blast Bootcamp - 50 minutes. She does a great job in that video! I'll try to get some other stuff in today too.
Getting Going Day 12
I got up and folded laundry that has been sitting in a HUGE pile on my bedroom floor for - uh, I don't know... a month?! Then I got dressed and came down to exercise.
Slacker Bum
I am a totally naughty slacker bum! I stayed up late watching Dancing with the Stars, didn't read my scriptures, didn't start my new night time routine, didn't get to bed until about 11:45. My husband doesn't like DWTS so I have to watch it after he goes to bed - who can watch stuff like that during the day with the kids running all over being crazy and wanting to watch their stuff the second I even look at the TV with the intent to watch something of my own.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New Goal
I'm going to start a night time routine:
Brush teeth
Wash face
Read scriptures
Say couple prayers (I hope!)
Say personal prayers
Brush teeth
Wash face
Read scriptures
Say couple prayers (I hope!)
Say personal prayers
Cleaning Day 31
I did some dishes and tried to clear off my counter. I picked up and did some laundry. I'm hoping to sweep and vacuum before bed.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 9
I read 1 Nephi 11 to the boys tonight as we ate dinner. It's about Nephi praying and finding out about the vision of the tree of life.
Word of the Day
blithesome\BLYTHE-sum\adj. 1:gay, merry
Example Sentence: In The Gilded Age: A Tale of To-Day, Mark Twain's Laura, who had been struck by love, wondered why she had never before noticed "how blithesome the world was."
Did you know? "Blithesome" comes from "blithe," a word that has been a part of English since before the 12th century. "Blithe" can mean "casual" and "heedless" as well as "joyful" and "lighthearted," but "blithesome" obviously makes use of only the "joyful, lighthearted" sense. "Blithesome" didn't show up in print in English until 1724, and is now relatively uncommon, but you'll find it in the works of such authors as Charles Dickens, Sir Walter Scott, Mark Twain, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Example Sentence: In The Gilded Age: A Tale of To-Day, Mark Twain's Laura, who had been struck by love, wondered why she had never before noticed "how blithesome the world was."
Did you know? "Blithesome" comes from "blithe," a word that has been a part of English since before the 12th century. "Blithe" can mean "casual" and "heedless" as well as "joyful" and "lighthearted," but "blithesome" obviously makes use of only the "joyful, lighthearted" sense. "Blithesome" didn't show up in print in English until 1724, and is now relatively uncommon, but you'll find it in the works of such authors as Charles Dickens, Sir Walter Scott, Mark Twain, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
3 Things
1. I am grateful that I'm starting to feel a lot better and more human every day. Maybe I'll get back to exercising tomorrow! I've really missed it.
2. I'm grateful that my parents could watch my boys this morning while I went to the dentist for my cleaning.
3. I am so very, very grateful that Mark called and apologized for being a grump this morning before he left for work. And he even had to call 3 times to do it! Thanks, honey!
2. I'm grateful that my parents could watch my boys this morning while I went to the dentist for my cleaning.
3. I am so very, very grateful that Mark called and apologized for being a grump this morning before he left for work. And he even had to call 3 times to do it! Thanks, honey!
Getting Going Day 11
I got right up and moving this morning. Straight into the laundry room to start some laundry going then I got in the shower. Wa-hoo! And it was only 8 am.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Going to Bed Day 13
I watched Dancing with the Stars (recorded) until about 10 and decided to *ack* turn it off and go to bed. Problem was that I'd decided that I needed to read my scriptures so I debated with myself for a minute and decided that reading my scriptures was more important than going to bed exactly at 10 so I stayed up. I compromised with myself though and only read one chapter. Anyway, I got to bed about 10:25.
Personal Scriptures Day 4
Today I read 1 Nephi 10. It talks about the coming of the destruction of the Jews and the coming of the Messiah.
Verse 4: talks about the coming of the Messiah 600 years from the time that Lehi leaves Jerusalem.
Verse 6: "Wherefore, all mankind were in a lost and in a fallen state, and ever would be save they should rely on this Redeemer." - I love that it says that ALL man will be lost without Him. We all need to turn to him and let him help us return to live with Him again.
Verses 7 & 8: Talks about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus. I find it interesting that John knew who Jesus was - even though they were cousins. He gave him the love and respect that Jesus deserves. I like that he says "for there standeth one among you whom ye know not; and he is mightier than I, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose."
Verses 17-19: I like to add my name in to the scriptures where ever applicable. In verse 17, about half way through, I like to read, "I, Gwen, was desirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him, as well in times of old as in the time that he should manifest himself unto the children of men.
18 For he is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men from the foundation of the world, if it so be that they repent and come unto him.
19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore the course of the Lord is one eternal round."
I also like the footnote in verse 18 for a: Hebrews 13:8: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Which supports what's said in the Book of Mormon. I also like the D&C 20:8-12: "And gave him power from on high, by the means which were before prepared, to translate the Book of Mormon;
9 Which contains a record of a fallen people, and the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles and to the Jews also;
10 Which was given by inspiration, and is confirmed to others by the ministering of angels, and is declared unto the world by them -
11 Proving to the world that the holy scriptures are true, and that God does inspire men and call them to his holy work in this age and generation, as well as in generations of old;
12 Thereby showing that he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Amen." I think that this is why the gospel makes so much sense to me. I have a hard time believing that God would have Prophets all the way back to Adam and not in these days when we're so close to the end and need it so much. I think it also shows that Joseph Smith was/is a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is inspired and true. It doesn't make sense to me for ONLY the people from the European continent to have written scripture. Why would God do it then and not now?
Verse 20: "Therefore remember, O man, for all thy doings thou shalt be brought into judgment." This is just a good reminder that we are judged on ALL the things we do and so we need to try harder to be good and do the right things in our lives, as well as repent of those things we do that are wrong.
Verse 21: "Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment-seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever." This is just more into the repenting of our sins and it also takes me back to verse 6: "Wherefore, all mankind were in a lost and in a fallen state, and ever would be save they should rely on this Redeemer." A reminder that we can't do it without Him.
Verse 4: talks about the coming of the Messiah 600 years from the time that Lehi leaves Jerusalem.
Verse 6: "Wherefore, all mankind were in a lost and in a fallen state, and ever would be save they should rely on this Redeemer." - I love that it says that ALL man will be lost without Him. We all need to turn to him and let him help us return to live with Him again.
Verses 7 & 8: Talks about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus. I find it interesting that John knew who Jesus was - even though they were cousins. He gave him the love and respect that Jesus deserves. I like that he says "for there standeth one among you whom ye know not; and he is mightier than I, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose."
Verses 17-19: I like to add my name in to the scriptures where ever applicable. In verse 17, about half way through, I like to read, "I, Gwen, was desirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him, as well in times of old as in the time that he should manifest himself unto the children of men.
18 For he is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men from the foundation of the world, if it so be that they repent and come unto him.
19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore the course of the Lord is one eternal round."
I also like the footnote in verse 18 for a: Hebrews 13:8: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Which supports what's said in the Book of Mormon. I also like the D&C 20:8-12: "And gave him power from on high, by the means which were before prepared, to translate the Book of Mormon;
9 Which contains a record of a fallen people, and the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles and to the Jews also;
10 Which was given by inspiration, and is confirmed to others by the ministering of angels, and is declared unto the world by them -
11 Proving to the world that the holy scriptures are true, and that God does inspire men and call them to his holy work in this age and generation, as well as in generations of old;
12 Thereby showing that he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Amen." I think that this is why the gospel makes so much sense to me. I have a hard time believing that God would have Prophets all the way back to Adam and not in these days when we're so close to the end and need it so much. I think it also shows that Joseph Smith was/is a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is inspired and true. It doesn't make sense to me for ONLY the people from the European continent to have written scripture. Why would God do it then and not now?
Verse 20: "Therefore remember, O man, for all thy doings thou shalt be brought into judgment." This is just a good reminder that we are judged on ALL the things we do and so we need to try harder to be good and do the right things in our lives, as well as repent of those things we do that are wrong.
Verse 21: "Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment-seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever." This is just more into the repenting of our sins and it also takes me back to verse 6: "Wherefore, all mankind were in a lost and in a fallen state, and ever would be save they should rely on this Redeemer." A reminder that we can't do it without Him.
Cleaning Day 30
I picked up, did laundry, dishes, and vacuumed. I think I picked up the pillows and put them back on my couches about 5 times today.
I did it! We did Family Home Evening tonight before I put the kids to bed. It was easy and went over even better than I expected. I have a cute little book that has 52 FHE ideas - one for every week of the year. And they're geared to young kids. Tonight we learned about the Word of Wisdom. The boys enjoyed learning that it's important to eat healthy to keep our bodies strong. It took less than 10 minutes (because we had to throw a potty break in there) and then we followed up with ice cream.
Word of the Day
prehension\pree-HEN-shun\n. 1: the act of taking hold, seizing, or grasping 2: mental understanding: comprehension 3: apprehension by the senses
Example Sentence: The new surgery claims to offer an increase in hand prehension and successful use of the hand after a nerve transplant.
Did you know? It's easy to grasp the origins of "prehension" - it descends from the Latin verb "prehendere," which means "to seize" or "to grasp." Other descendants of "prehendere" in English included "apprehend," "comprehend" ("to grasp the nature or significance of"), "prehensile" ("adapted for seizing or grasping"), "prison," "reprise," and "reprisal." Even the English word "get" comes to us from the same ancient root that led to the Latin "prehendere."
Example Sentence: The new surgery claims to offer an increase in hand prehension and successful use of the hand after a nerve transplant.
Did you know? It's easy to grasp the origins of "prehension" - it descends from the Latin verb "prehendere," which means "to seize" or "to grasp." Other descendants of "prehendere" in English included "apprehend," "comprehend" ("to grasp the nature or significance of"), "prehensile" ("adapted for seizing or grasping"), "prison," "reprise," and "reprisal." Even the English word "get" comes to us from the same ancient root that led to the Latin "prehendere."
3 Things
1. I am grateful for modern day medicine. Sudafed is my friend.
2. I am so very grateful to my two boys that they let me sleep this morning. I had another rough night last night. Between Ethan being up all night and not being able to breathe I didn't get much sleep.
3. I am grateful for my parents and that they make us dinner every Sunday night.
2. I am so very grateful to my two boys that they let me sleep this morning. I had another rough night last night. Between Ethan being up all night and not being able to breathe I didn't get much sleep.
3. I am grateful for my parents and that they make us dinner every Sunday night.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 8
I read 1 Nephi 9 and 10 this morning with the boys. 9 talks about Nephi's reasons for having 2 plates and 10 talks about Lehi preaching about the coming of the Messiah.
Getting Going Day 10
Okay, so whatever sinus crap was festering last week has completely exploded in my face. I'm hurting pretty badly. So, I'm not going to exercise today, probably for the week if I had to guess. I think I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow.
Anyway, my boys were really good and let me sleep until about 9 and then I got up and we read our scriptures and ate breakfast. So, even though I feel like poop I'm up and going.
Anyway, my boys were really good and let me sleep until about 9 and then I got up and we read our scriptures and ate breakfast. So, even though I feel like poop I'm up and going.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Word of the Day
circumspect\SER-kum-spekt\adj. 1: careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences: prudent
Example Sentence: Indications are that school boards, uncertain of what voters will do, have been more circumspect in drafting budgets.
Did you know? "Circumspect," "cautious," "wary," and "chary" all imply looking before you leap, but each puts a unique spin on being careful in the face of risk or danger. "Circumspect," which descends from Latin "circum-" ("around") and "specere" ("to look"), implies the surveying of all possible consequences before acting or deciding (as in "he is circumspect in business dealings"). "Cautious" suggests fear of danger and the exercise of forethought that it prompts (as in "a cautious driver"). "Wary" emphasizes suspiciousness and alertness in sensing danger and cunning in escaping it (as in "keep a wary eye on the competition"). "Chary" implies a cautious reluctance to give, act, or speak freely (as in "she is chary of signing papers without reading them first").
Example Sentence: Indications are that school boards, uncertain of what voters will do, have been more circumspect in drafting budgets.
Did you know? "Circumspect," "cautious," "wary," and "chary" all imply looking before you leap, but each puts a unique spin on being careful in the face of risk or danger. "Circumspect," which descends from Latin "circum-" ("around") and "specere" ("to look"), implies the surveying of all possible consequences before acting or deciding (as in "he is circumspect in business dealings"). "Cautious" suggests fear of danger and the exercise of forethought that it prompts (as in "a cautious driver"). "Wary" emphasizes suspiciousness and alertness in sensing danger and cunning in escaping it (as in "keep a wary eye on the competition"). "Chary" implies a cautious reluctance to give, act, or speak freely (as in "she is chary of signing papers without reading them first").
3 Things
1. I am so grateful for sleep.
2. I am so grateful that Ethan slept all night long.
3. I love sleep!
2. I am so grateful that Ethan slept all night long.
3. I love sleep!
I am going to just finish the week out with not working out to give my head some time to continue healing. Monday I expect to be right back to it.
Visiting Teaching
I went visiting teaching this morning to 2 of my 3 sisters. I actually have 2 partners and so I'll have to catch up with the other partner and get my last sister done. I am hoping to get it done because 66% is still failing.
Getting Going Day 9
I actually got up and moving this morning. Ethan slept through the night so I actually got some sleep and felt pretty good.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Home Made Bagels
2 tsp dry yeast
1 1/2 TBSP sugar
1 1/4 cups warm water
3 1/2 cups flour, plus extra for kneading
1 1/2 tsp salt
1) Sprinkle the yeast and sugar into 1/2 c of the water in a small bowl. Leave for 5 minutes; stir to dissolve. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the center of the flour and pour in the dissolved yeast.
2)pour about half of the remaining water into the well. Mix in the flour. Stir in the reserved water, as needed, to form a firm, moist dough.
3) Turn the dough out onto a well-floured work surface. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. As you knead the dough, gradually work in as much additional flour as you can comfortably knead - this dough should be very stiff and firm.
4) Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, turning the dough to coat, and cover with a dish towel. Let rise until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Punch down, then let rest for 10 minutes.
*Hint* I put a bowl of water in the microwave for 3 minutes then take the water out and put the dough in the microwave and close the door to rise. It's nice and moist and warm.
5) cut the dough into eight equal pieces. Shape each piece into a ball. Form each ball into a ring by inserting a floured finger into the center of each one.
6) Work the finger in a circle to stretch and widen the hole. Then twirl the ring around your two index fingers until the hole is about 1/3 of the bagel's diameter.
7) Place the bagels on a lightly oiled baking sheet, then cover with a damp dish towel and let rest for 10 minutes.
8) Bring a large pan of water to a boil, then reduce the heat to allow the water to simmer. Use a perforated skimmer (I just used my spatula) to carefully lower the bagels into the water in batches of two to three at a time.
2 tsp dry yeast
1 1/2 TBSP sugar
1 1/4 cups warm water
3 1/2 cups flour, plus extra for kneading
1 1/2 tsp salt
1) Sprinkle the yeast and sugar into 1/2 c of the water in a small bowl. Leave for 5 minutes; stir to dissolve. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the center of the flour and pour in the dissolved yeast.
2)pour about half of the remaining water into the well. Mix in the flour. Stir in the reserved water, as needed, to form a firm, moist dough.
3) Turn the dough out onto a well-floured work surface. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. As you knead the dough, gradually work in as much additional flour as you can comfortably knead - this dough should be very stiff and firm.
4) Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, turning the dough to coat, and cover with a dish towel. Let rise until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Punch down, then let rest for 10 minutes.
*Hint* I put a bowl of water in the microwave for 3 minutes then take the water out and put the dough in the microwave and close the door to rise. It's nice and moist and warm.
5) cut the dough into eight equal pieces. Shape each piece into a ball. Form each ball into a ring by inserting a floured finger into the center of each one.
6) Work the finger in a circle to stretch and widen the hole. Then twirl the ring around your two index fingers until the hole is about 1/3 of the bagel's diameter.
7) Place the bagels on a lightly oiled baking sheet, then cover with a damp dish towel and let rest for 10 minutes.
New Goal
I am going to add yet another new goal to my increasing list. I am going to get my visiting teaching done. All the years I've been a visiting teacher I've been a total slacker - at best. I just recently got some new visiting teachers and they didn't come for a while (they just came on Tuesday) and it made me realize how much I need my visiting teachers and how much I miss it when they don't come. Then it got me to thinking about how poorly I've done at visiting teaching and it gave me some determination to get going on mine. I am going to put it on my calendar to do my visiting teaching the second Friday of the month (my partner has Friday's off) and I'll also put it on the Tuesday before to call to make the appointments. I am also going to call the people I visit on the last Wednesday of the month. Hopefully they won't catch on to my system! *wink*wink*
Part of the reason that I've been such a slacker is that I normally don't think about it until the very end of the month and I don't want the people I visit to think I do my visiting teaching just so I count them. I don't want them to feel like a number. That's why I've decided to actually go see them as well as calling them at the end of the month. That way there's more connection than just the required visit. I know I can't really make up for all these years I've not gone but maybe I can catch up!
Part of the reason that I've been such a slacker is that I normally don't think about it until the very end of the month and I don't want the people I visit to think I do my visiting teaching just so I count them. I don't want them to feel like a number. That's why I've decided to actually go see them as well as calling them at the end of the month. That way there's more connection than just the required visit. I know I can't really make up for all these years I've not gone but maybe I can catch up!
Daily Affirmations
I am so grateful for my body and its ability to heal itself. I love how fast it works at making me well again. It amazes me that it does it all by itself, it instinctively knows what to do. The human body is amazing and makes it very evident to me of our Heavenly Father's love for us and how truly magnificent he is. I am also grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed many many people with the knowledge to make us better. The dentist, the doctor, the people who made my wonderful medicine. I feel better and better every day.
3 Things
1. I am grateful for the time that I've been down. That my parents have been able to help me out. That Mark's been home (not from work - just not in Wyoming!). That the boys have tried so very hard to be good. That I didn't have Greenlee until today. That I got to rest a little bit.
2. I am grateful for my body's ability to heal itself. I'm still feeling pretty crappy - but a lot better than I was feeling.
3. I am grateful that Mark hasn't said ONE word about the condition of my house. It's pretty trashed, but I've been trying to get on top of it.
2. I am grateful for my body's ability to heal itself. I'm still feeling pretty crappy - but a lot better than I was feeling.
3. I am grateful that Mark hasn't said ONE word about the condition of my house. It's pretty trashed, but I've been trying to get on top of it.
Word of the Day
battue\bat-TOO\n. 1: the beating of woods and bushes to flush game; also: a hunt in which this procedure is used.
Example Sentence: During the battue, rabbits scampered out of the bushes where they had been hiding and toward the open field.
Did you know? The battue is a technique practiced by hunters in order to give them a clean shot at their targets. The hunters' assistants (or sometimes the hunters themselves) rap sticks against trees and bushes in order to scare animals out of the woods and into open space. The practice appears to have originated in France, which is probably why the word "battue," which debuted in English in the early 19th century, derives from the feminine past participle of the French verb "battre," meaning "to beat." Although some hunting traditionalists decried the practice as either cruel or unsportsmanlike when it began, the battue survives today, as does the word for it.
Example Sentence: During the battue, rabbits scampered out of the bushes where they had been hiding and toward the open field.
Did you know? The battue is a technique practiced by hunters in order to give them a clean shot at their targets. The hunters' assistants (or sometimes the hunters themselves) rap sticks against trees and bushes in order to scare animals out of the woods and into open space. The practice appears to have originated in France, which is probably why the word "battue," which debuted in English in the early 19th century, derives from the feminine past participle of the French verb "battre," meaning "to beat." Although some hunting traditionalists decried the practice as either cruel or unsportsmanlike when it began, the battue survives today, as does the word for it.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 7
Well, after the break I got back into it today. I couldn't really think for the last - however long it was! I like to read to the kids while they're eating their breakfast. It somewhat keeps their mouths busy and they listen. Well, at least more than normal. Today I read 1 Nephi chapter 8 to them. It's Lehi's vision of the tree of life.
Back to it... or mostly
I'm getting back to it today. I'm still not feeling great and my head still hurts a lot but I am actually feeling somewhat normal today! Yipee! I'm not going to exercise because I think the bouncing around would just about kill me. And I really didn't get going this morning, I laid on the couch snuggling the kids and watching cartoons until about 9. But then I got up and started making bagels. They are surprisingly easy! I'll post the recipe in a bit.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Still Hurting
Sorry to slack even more but I'm taking today off too. I'm still hurting so badly. If I'm not better by tomorrow I'll go to the doctor.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So, I had two cavities filled today but the Dr. said the real cause of the problem is my sinus' so I'll be taking today off too. I got some good meds and a lot of pain killer and I'll hop back to it tomorrow!
Monday, November 10, 2008
I have a sore tooth and was up 12 times in the night with my 2 year old. Needless to say, nothing happened today. I'm going to the dentist tomorrow and then maybe I'll get something done. Who knows, it may be Wednesday.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Okay, so...
I've totally been bummed since the election and have had no motivation to do any of this. I'll get back to it all on Monday.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Exercise Day 45
I did not walk today. I decided to just do an exercise video. I did "Island Girl Cardio Hula" for 30 minutes then "Tantric Toning" for 50 minutes.
I walked 1 mile to school and back to drop my kiddo off. Haven't decided if I'm walking back down or driving. It was pretty cold. Oh, and I carried 35 pounds of dead weight otherwise known as my 2 year old.
I walked 1 mile to school and back to drop my kiddo off. Haven't decided if I'm walking back down or driving. It was pretty cold. Oh, and I carried 35 pounds of dead weight otherwise known as my 2 year old.
Word of the Day
foray\FOR-ay\n. 1: a sudden or irregular invasion or attack for war or spoils: raid. 2: a brief excursion or attempt especially outside one's accustomed sphere.
Example Sentence: The book marks the novelist's first foray into nonfiction.
Did you know? "Foray" comes from Middle English "forrayen" and probably traces back to an Anglo-French word that meant "raider" or "forager." It's related to the word "forage," which usually means "to wander in search of food or forage." A "foray," in its earliest sense, was a raid for plunder. Relatively recently, "foray" began to take on a broader meaning. In a sense, a "foray" is still a trip into a foreign territory. These days, though, looting and plundering needn't be involved in a "foray." When you take a "foray," you dabble in an area, occupation, or pastime that's new to you.
Example Sentence: The book marks the novelist's first foray into nonfiction.
Did you know? "Foray" comes from Middle English "forrayen" and probably traces back to an Anglo-French word that meant "raider" or "forager." It's related to the word "forage," which usually means "to wander in search of food or forage." A "foray," in its earliest sense, was a raid for plunder. Relatively recently, "foray" began to take on a broader meaning. In a sense, a "foray" is still a trip into a foreign territory. These days, though, looting and plundering needn't be involved in a "foray." When you take a "foray," you dabble in an area, occupation, or pastime that's new to you.
Getting Going Day 8
I am up but not going. My jaw is hurting pretty badly (I have TMJ) and I've got a massive headache.
Going to Bed Day 12
I actually went to bed by 10 last night. Didn't take me very long to fall asleep either!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Word of the Day
extricate\EK-struh-kayt\v. 1: to distinguish from a related thing. 2: to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty.
Example Sentence: Joe looked for a way to extricate himself gracefully from the long and tedious conversation with his chatty colleague.
Did you know? It can take an ample amount of dexterity - manual, verbal, or mental - to free yourself from a tangled situation. This can be seen in "extricate," a word derived from Latin "extricatus," which combines the prefix "ex-" ("out of") with the noun "tricae," meaning "trifles or perplexities." (The resemblance of "tricae" to our word "trick" is no illusion; it's an ancestor.) While a number of words (such as "disentangle") share with "extricate" the meaning of "to free from difficulty," "extricate" suggests the act of doing so with care and ingenuity, as in "Through months of careful budgeting, he was able to extricate himself from his financial burdens."
Example Sentence: Joe looked for a way to extricate himself gracefully from the long and tedious conversation with his chatty colleague.
Did you know? It can take an ample amount of dexterity - manual, verbal, or mental - to free yourself from a tangled situation. This can be seen in "extricate," a word derived from Latin "extricatus," which combines the prefix "ex-" ("out of") with the noun "tricae," meaning "trifles or perplexities." (The resemblance of "tricae" to our word "trick" is no illusion; it's an ancestor.) While a number of words (such as "disentangle") share with "extricate" the meaning of "to free from difficulty," "extricate" suggests the act of doing so with care and ingenuity, as in "Through months of careful budgeting, he was able to extricate himself from his financial burdens."
Exercise Day 44
Today I walked on the treadmill 3.5 miles. I hate having a half mile on there! I did it in 51.15 minutes. The first mile I walked at 4 mph at a 1 incline. The second I kept it at 4 mph and moved it up to 2 incline. The third mile I kicked it up to 5 mph for a half mile then back down to 4 for the other half. The incline was at 1. The last half mile I jogged at a 5 for half of it (1/4 mile) then went down to a 4 for an eighth and 3.5 for an eighth. The incline was at 1.
I burned 479 calories and 149 fat calories. I also wore my good old belly belt (I had to dig it out! It's basically a belt made to make you sweat.) and I held my hand weights - 1 pound each.
After I walked I also did "Yoga for Urban Living" - the 30 minute AM session.
I also walked 1 mile down to the school to vote.
I've walked 152 miles.
I burned 479 calories and 149 fat calories. I also wore my good old belly belt (I had to dig it out! It's basically a belt made to make you sweat.) and I held my hand weights - 1 pound each.
After I walked I also did "Yoga for Urban Living" - the 30 minute AM session.
I also walked 1 mile down to the school to vote.
I've walked 152 miles.
3 Things
1. I am grateful for the great country that we live in. For our freedoms, our liberties and the ability to worship any way we choose.
2. I am grateful for the chance I had today to go vote. Every vote counts. I hope that the right guy is put in office. I will pray for whoever he is either way.
3. I am extremely grateful for the day I had today. Tyler was grounded from TV today so it was off all day. It was amazing the amount of peace that we had in our home. And our prayer this morning for no fighting and yelling made us all conscious of how we behaved and reacted to each other. We all tried really hard to be nice and kind. It was wonderful. Maybe I'll ground Tyler from TV more often! Actually I'll probably start on my goal to turn the TV off at 9 am.
2. I am grateful for the chance I had today to go vote. Every vote counts. I hope that the right guy is put in office. I will pray for whoever he is either way.
3. I am extremely grateful for the day I had today. Tyler was grounded from TV today so it was off all day. It was amazing the amount of peace that we had in our home. And our prayer this morning for no fighting and yelling made us all conscious of how we behaved and reacted to each other. We all tried really hard to be nice and kind. It was wonderful. Maybe I'll ground Tyler from TV more often! Actually I'll probably start on my goal to turn the TV off at 9 am.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 6
Well, because I didn't get to bed until 12:30 last night, and because I have been up since 4 between the two kids, I'm tired. And ornery. So... I decided that we needed to have a prayer and ask for peace in our home. Specifically, no fighting (them) and no yelling (me). So I had Tyler say the prayer and then I read to them 1 Nephi chapter 7. It's the one where Nephi's brothers tie him up.
Well, I've sucked the last little bit at my cleaning. I'm going to try to get to it today though.
Well, turns out I did a pretty darn good job of exercising yesterday because I'm SORE. All over. Muscles I didn't know still existed. Muscles I've already been working on. All of them. Sore. And while you'd think I'd give myself the day off because I'm so sore, I'm not. I always feel better and come out of the sore-ness sooner when I get my body moving and work through the pain! It helps to move that lactic acid out of the muscles. So what if I can barely walk straight. I'm going to walk 3 miles! I may even do 3 and a half!
Getting Going Day 7
Well, today I got up and fixed the kids and myself breakfast (yummy raspberry waffles) and then promptly sat down at the computer and I've been here since. I'm going to get up in a minute and get going. I'll be headed down to exercise.
Going to Bed Day 11
Well, I'm getting to bed WAY late tonight. Stinking addictions. I had to watch Dancing with the Stars before I could get to bed. And my little one was up for a while so I had to take time out for that.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Exercise Day 43
Okay, so I finished my 100 miles today. Plus one for being such a slacker. I've decided that for my next 21 days of exercise I'm going to walk 2-4 miles every day and then on Monday-Wednesday-Friday I'll do an exercise video and on Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday I'll lift weights. I'm going to try to not do more than 4 miles.
Anyway, today I did 3 miles in 44.40 minutes. I did 3.5 to 5 the whole 3 miles and kept it at a 1 incline. I went back and forth every 1/8 mile. I burned 333 calories and 104 fat calories.
101 miles down!
I also did "Fat to Firm Fast" for 44 minutes. It's a pretty good exercise video put out by Prevention magazine. Then I followed it up with Super Stomachs for 24 minutes. This is a video that I got at the Dollar Store. The quality isn't great and they're done by Australians (nothing against them) so they have a cute accent, but they get the job done.
I walked 2 miles dropping off/picking up from school.
I also figured that I've walked 44.5 miles to and from school (without today). So, I'm going to add these in to my miles and just keep track of them all total from now on. So that makes my total miles 147.5. Not too bad for about 2 months.
Anyway, today I did 3 miles in 44.40 minutes. I did 3.5 to 5 the whole 3 miles and kept it at a 1 incline. I went back and forth every 1/8 mile. I burned 333 calories and 104 fat calories.
101 miles down!
I also did "Fat to Firm Fast" for 44 minutes. It's a pretty good exercise video put out by Prevention magazine. Then I followed it up with Super Stomachs for 24 minutes. This is a video that I got at the Dollar Store. The quality isn't great and they're done by Australians (nothing against them) so they have a cute accent, but they get the job done.
I walked 2 miles dropping off/picking up from school.
I also figured that I've walked 44.5 miles to and from school (without today). So, I'm going to add these in to my miles and just keep track of them all total from now on. So that makes my total miles 147.5. Not too bad for about 2 months.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 5
I almost missed reading with the kids but then I remembered and read to them individually before they went to bed. I just read to them out of the picture Book of Mormon book.
Ethan picked King Benjamin.
Tyler picked The Murder of the Chief Judge and then wanted another so he picked The Jaredites Leave Babel.
Ethan picked King Benjamin.
Tyler picked The Murder of the Chief Judge and then wanted another so he picked The Jaredites Leave Babel.
Well, wouldn't you know it? I missed my very first day doing FHE. What a bummer. Maybe I'll shoot for tomorrow night.
Word of the Day
veld\VELT\n. 1: a grassland especially of southern Africa usually with scattered shrubs or trees.
Example Sentence: "Less than 200 years ago, thousands upon thousands of quaggas roamed the grassy veld of southern Africa."
Did you know? "Veld: (also spelled "veldt") comes from Afrikaans, the language of the Afrikaners, the descendants of the Dutch and Huguenot people who settled in southern Africa in the 17th century. Literally, "veld" means "field," and is akin to "feld," the Old English predecessor of "field." English speakers adopted the Africa-specific sense of "veld" in the 19th century. "Veld" refers to open country in southern Africa. Different regions of "veld" are distinguished by their elevations. There is the Highveld, the Lowveld, and the Middle Veld, each with different geographical characteristics. Another term associated with "veld" is "kopje" (or "koppie" - both are pronounced KAH-pee). This word came to English from Afrikaans (and ultimately from a Dutch word meaning "small head" or "cup") and refers to a small hill, particularly one on the African veld.
My use: I would love to go see the African velds on a safari adventure.
Example Sentence: "Less than 200 years ago, thousands upon thousands of quaggas roamed the grassy veld of southern Africa."
Did you know? "Veld: (also spelled "veldt") comes from Afrikaans, the language of the Afrikaners, the descendants of the Dutch and Huguenot people who settled in southern Africa in the 17th century. Literally, "veld" means "field," and is akin to "feld," the Old English predecessor of "field." English speakers adopted the Africa-specific sense of "veld" in the 19th century. "Veld" refers to open country in southern Africa. Different regions of "veld" are distinguished by their elevations. There is the Highveld, the Lowveld, and the Middle Veld, each with different geographical characteristics. Another term associated with "veld" is "kopje" (or "koppie" - both are pronounced KAH-pee). This word came to English from Afrikaans (and ultimately from a Dutch word meaning "small head" or "cup") and refers to a small hill, particularly one on the African veld.
My use: I would love to go see the African velds on a safari adventure.
3 Things
1. I am grateful for my wonderful family. I love my husband and boys so much and am very lucky to have them.
2. I love my heater. It's starting to get cold and it's nice to know that I can stay warm and cozy in my house.
3. I am so grateful that I may be getting 2 more recruits for lia sophia. I'm looking to promote to unit manager by January. Hopefully they'll be really good and I can make that goal.
2. I love my heater. It's starting to get cold and it's nice to know that I can stay warm and cozy in my house.
3. I am so grateful that I may be getting 2 more recruits for lia sophia. I'm looking to promote to unit manager by January. Hopefully they'll be really good and I can make that goal.
Personal Scriptures Day 3
Last night I read 1 Nephi 8 & 9. We're learning about the vision of the Tree of Life.
Chapter 8 verse 8: "And after I had traveled for the space of many hours in darkness, I began to pray unto the Lord that he would have mercy on me, according to the multitude of his tender mercies." I feel like I've been wandering in darkness and now it's time to ask the Lord to have mercy on me and find my way out of the darkness and back to the iron rod. And it's not that I do anything BAD, just not doing all the GOOD things that I should be doing. And looking back I can see the loss of the spirit in the last few years.
3 Types of People: Chapter 8 verse 22 talks about those who commence in the path and then lose their way. Verse 24 talks about those who caught hold and cling to the rod only to become ashamed and fall away. Verse 30 is what I want to be, continually holding fast and fell down and partook of the fruit. They heeded not the people in the great and spacious building.
I've come to realize that I don't need an outside influence in my life. I have all I need in me and from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. If people like me - GREAT! If not? Oh, well. Their loss. I used to be so afraid of looking like a dork in public, most of my high school life was spent walking carefully so I wouldn't do something dumb. Now I don't really care what I look like. And don't get me wrong, I don't do things on purpose to look like an idiot and I always shower and dress nice - I just don't care if someone catches me singing nonsense to my kids in the middle of the grocery store!
Chapter 8 verse 27: "And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and female; and their manner of dress was exceedingly fine; and they were in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit." Sometimes I wonder how many times we try to bring the great and spacious building to church with us. We want the latest and greatest trends, toys and things, the biggest houses, the nicest boat, the funnest toys. I think that it is okay to have fun things and enjoy them but when they get in the way of going to church, paying your tithing or even providing things for your family that are necessary' it's too much. And with the way some people dress you'd think you were at the runways in New York City. It's a little embarrassing when you see women, who you know wear garments, wearing things that would not cover their garments appropriately so you know they're tucking or not wearing them. I'm not judging, I'm just saying that if you've taken those sacred covenants on yourself' don't dishonor the covenants, the Savior and yourself by wearing them inappropriately. Okay, I'll probably get in trouble for that one.
Chapter 8 verse 34: "These are the words of my father: For as many as heeded them, had fallen away." We really need to watch what we're doing and not become one of those who fall away. Out of shame, because it's not what your family does, because it's too hard, because offense was taken - it's not worth our eternal salvation.
Chapter 8 verse 37: "And he did exhort them then with all the feeling of a tender parent, that they would hearken to his words, that perhaps the Lord would be merciful to them, and not cast them off; yea, my father did preach unto them." Lehi so wanted all of his family to partake of the fruit. Similarly we have a Heavenly Father that wants so badly for all of us to partake. I can't imagine how heart wrenching it must be for Him to watch so many of his children behaving so poorly.
Chapter 9 verse 5: "Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me to make these plates for a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not." The small plates are the plates of Nephi and the large plates are the plates of Lehi. The large plates were lost - the lost manuscript. It's nice to know that Heavenly Father knows what's going to happen and kind of has a back up plan in place for us, just in case.
Chapter 8 verse 8: "And after I had traveled for the space of many hours in darkness, I began to pray unto the Lord that he would have mercy on me, according to the multitude of his tender mercies." I feel like I've been wandering in darkness and now it's time to ask the Lord to have mercy on me and find my way out of the darkness and back to the iron rod. And it's not that I do anything BAD, just not doing all the GOOD things that I should be doing. And looking back I can see the loss of the spirit in the last few years.
3 Types of People: Chapter 8 verse 22 talks about those who commence in the path and then lose their way. Verse 24 talks about those who caught hold and cling to the rod only to become ashamed and fall away. Verse 30 is what I want to be, continually holding fast and fell down and partook of the fruit. They heeded not the people in the great and spacious building.
I've come to realize that I don't need an outside influence in my life. I have all I need in me and from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. If people like me - GREAT! If not? Oh, well. Their loss. I used to be so afraid of looking like a dork in public, most of my high school life was spent walking carefully so I wouldn't do something dumb. Now I don't really care what I look like. And don't get me wrong, I don't do things on purpose to look like an idiot and I always shower and dress nice - I just don't care if someone catches me singing nonsense to my kids in the middle of the grocery store!
Chapter 8 verse 27: "And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and female; and their manner of dress was exceedingly fine; and they were in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit." Sometimes I wonder how many times we try to bring the great and spacious building to church with us. We want the latest and greatest trends, toys and things, the biggest houses, the nicest boat, the funnest toys. I think that it is okay to have fun things and enjoy them but when they get in the way of going to church, paying your tithing or even providing things for your family that are necessary' it's too much. And with the way some people dress you'd think you were at the runways in New York City. It's a little embarrassing when you see women, who you know wear garments, wearing things that would not cover their garments appropriately so you know they're tucking or not wearing them. I'm not judging, I'm just saying that if you've taken those sacred covenants on yourself' don't dishonor the covenants, the Savior and yourself by wearing them inappropriately. Okay, I'll probably get in trouble for that one.
Chapter 8 verse 34: "These are the words of my father: For as many as heeded them, had fallen away." We really need to watch what we're doing and not become one of those who fall away. Out of shame, because it's not what your family does, because it's too hard, because offense was taken - it's not worth our eternal salvation.
Chapter 8 verse 37: "And he did exhort them then with all the feeling of a tender parent, that they would hearken to his words, that perhaps the Lord would be merciful to them, and not cast them off; yea, my father did preach unto them." Lehi so wanted all of his family to partake of the fruit. Similarly we have a Heavenly Father that wants so badly for all of us to partake. I can't imagine how heart wrenching it must be for Him to watch so many of his children behaving so poorly.
Chapter 9 verse 5: "Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me to make these plates for a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not." The small plates are the plates of Nephi and the large plates are the plates of Lehi. The large plates were lost - the lost manuscript. It's nice to know that Heavenly Father knows what's going to happen and kind of has a back up plan in place for us, just in case.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Going to Bed Day 10
It's 10:15 and I'm headed up to bed. I'm going to read before bed so it'll probably be between 10:30 and 10:45 before I get to sleep. And I was ready for bed at about 7:30. Plus with the time change it's really like 11:15 now and I'm sure I'll be up in the night and that the boys will be up between 5 and 6 instead of between 6 and 7. Oh, why do I torture myself like this??
Personal Scriptures Day 2
Saturday night I read 1 Nephi 4-7. This is what I liked about it.
Chapter 4 verse 3: "Ye know that an angel hath spoken unto you; wherefore can ye doubt?" I think this is kind of funny, in a way, because it's like Nephi's saying "Hey dummies, you just saw an ANGEL. What the heck are you thinking murmuring? Also, it makes me think - to what extent do we need to go in our lives to get past the murmuring and pay attention?
Chapter 4 verse 6: "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." I think I need to take this on as sort of a motto. I need to just do what the Lord tells me to do and trust in Him and not think so much about the details. He'll take care of me!
Chapter 4 verse 10: "And it came to pass that I was constrained by the Spirit that I should kill Laban: but I said in my heart: Never at any time have I shed the blood of man. And I shrunk and would that I might not slay him." I really like that Nephi didn't want to kill Laban. He questioned it. I'm sure that if he could have done it any other way he would have. I can only imagine if he hadn't. I'm sure that Laban would have sent his guards after their family and maybe slaughtered them all. Then where would we be?
Chapter 4 verse 13: "Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief." I love Heavenly Father's response to Nephi's questioning. I think that sometimes people get in the way of righteousness and they need to be removed, not only to further the work but to prevent their own further damnation.
Chapter 4 verse 32: I just thought I'd mention that when it says "as the Lord liveth" it was a way that they made a VERY strong promise or covenant in those days.
Chapter 5 verses 2-8: You'll have to go read it. Being a mother now I can really feel for Sariah and the feelings and doubts she must have been feeling. How worried she was. Doubt for why they were doing what they were doing. I feel that this is the Lord's personal little trial for Sariah so that she will learn that her husband is a man of God and she would believe everything he said and know it was from Him. I don't think she doubts after that.
Chapter 5 verse 14: This verse is important because it tells what their lineage is. They come from Joseph. And if you go to Alma 10: 3 it also says that they're from Manasseh.
Chapter 5 verse 18: "That these plates of brass should go forth unto all nations, kindred, tongues, and people who were of his seed." Mentions the missionary work that we all need to be doing to further spreading the word.
Chapter 5 verse 21: I like that this verse says that the scriptures are of great worth. Especially for preserving them unto their children. I think it's so very important to teach our children from when they are young about Jesus, Heavenly Father and the church. I love this church and want to pass that on to my kids.
Chapter 6 verse 4: "For the fulness of mine intent is that I may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved." Nephi really cares so much about his calling in life - to keep record, to teach, to prophesy. All for us. I've heard it said many times that they didn't mass produce the gold plates. They are meant for us.
Chapter 6 verses 5 & 6: I really want to be one of those people, "not of the world." I love the scriptures and have allowed myself to be lazy in my scripture reading, activity in the church and even in my testimony. I need to work harder to not just maintain but grow.
Chapter 7 tells about them going to get Ishmael and his family. It wasn't good for Lehi's family to go alone. They needed wives to continue the population in the new world.
Chapter 7 verse 16: This is the first time that Nephi's brothers tie him up. Boy, they'll sure have it coming to them in the next life!
Chapter 7 verse 17: When Nephi prays it is specific. "O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren;" Now he could have stopped there but he goes on " yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound."
Chapter 7 verse 18: This is the third time that Laman and Lemuel are shown the power of the Lord. You'd think they'd get it.
Chapter 7 verse 21: "And it came to pass that I did frankly forgive them ll that they had done, and I did exhort them that they would pry unto the Lord their God for forgiveness." The Lord has asked us to "frankly forgive" everyone who hurts or offends us. Whether intentional or unintentional. D&C 64:10 goes along with this verse perfectly.
Chapter 4 verse 3: "Ye know that an angel hath spoken unto you; wherefore can ye doubt?" I think this is kind of funny, in a way, because it's like Nephi's saying "Hey dummies, you just saw an ANGEL. What the heck are you thinking murmuring? Also, it makes me think - to what extent do we need to go in our lives to get past the murmuring and pay attention?
Chapter 4 verse 6: "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." I think I need to take this on as sort of a motto. I need to just do what the Lord tells me to do and trust in Him and not think so much about the details. He'll take care of me!
Chapter 4 verse 10: "And it came to pass that I was constrained by the Spirit that I should kill Laban: but I said in my heart: Never at any time have I shed the blood of man. And I shrunk and would that I might not slay him." I really like that Nephi didn't want to kill Laban. He questioned it. I'm sure that if he could have done it any other way he would have. I can only imagine if he hadn't. I'm sure that Laban would have sent his guards after their family and maybe slaughtered them all. Then where would we be?
Chapter 4 verse 13: "Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief." I love Heavenly Father's response to Nephi's questioning. I think that sometimes people get in the way of righteousness and they need to be removed, not only to further the work but to prevent their own further damnation.
Chapter 4 verse 32: I just thought I'd mention that when it says "as the Lord liveth" it was a way that they made a VERY strong promise or covenant in those days.
Chapter 5 verses 2-8: You'll have to go read it. Being a mother now I can really feel for Sariah and the feelings and doubts she must have been feeling. How worried she was. Doubt for why they were doing what they were doing. I feel that this is the Lord's personal little trial for Sariah so that she will learn that her husband is a man of God and she would believe everything he said and know it was from Him. I don't think she doubts after that.
Chapter 5 verse 14: This verse is important because it tells what their lineage is. They come from Joseph. And if you go to Alma 10: 3 it also says that they're from Manasseh.
Chapter 5 verse 18: "That these plates of brass should go forth unto all nations, kindred, tongues, and people who were of his seed." Mentions the missionary work that we all need to be doing to further spreading the word.
Chapter 5 verse 21: I like that this verse says that the scriptures are of great worth. Especially for preserving them unto their children. I think it's so very important to teach our children from when they are young about Jesus, Heavenly Father and the church. I love this church and want to pass that on to my kids.
Chapter 6 verse 4: "For the fulness of mine intent is that I may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved." Nephi really cares so much about his calling in life - to keep record, to teach, to prophesy. All for us. I've heard it said many times that they didn't mass produce the gold plates. They are meant for us.
Chapter 6 verses 5 & 6: I really want to be one of those people, "not of the world." I love the scriptures and have allowed myself to be lazy in my scripture reading, activity in the church and even in my testimony. I need to work harder to not just maintain but grow.
Chapter 7 tells about them going to get Ishmael and his family. It wasn't good for Lehi's family to go alone. They needed wives to continue the population in the new world.
Chapter 7 verse 16: This is the first time that Nephi's brothers tie him up. Boy, they'll sure have it coming to them in the next life!
Chapter 7 verse 17: When Nephi prays it is specific. "O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren;" Now he could have stopped there but he goes on " yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound."
Chapter 7 verse 18: This is the third time that Laman and Lemuel are shown the power of the Lord. You'd think they'd get it.
Chapter 7 verse 21: "And it came to pass that I did frankly forgive them ll that they had done, and I did exhort them that they would pry unto the Lord their God for forgiveness." The Lord has asked us to "frankly forgive" everyone who hurts or offends us. Whether intentional or unintentional. D&C 64:10 goes along with this verse perfectly.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 4
So the kids weren't so willing today but we did it. I bribed them with Halloween candy! We read 1 Nephi 5 & 6. I do have to say that I think it helped the day go well. We went to two different sacrament meetings and they were pretty good for both of them.
Well, I did it. It was hard but I did it. It has seriously been forever. And I haven't had an excuse not to for about a year and a half. I'm such a slacker. I'll stick to it now, I hope.
Word of the Day
gauche\GOHSH\adj. 1: lacking social experience or grace; also: not tactful: crude. 2: crudely made or done.
Example Sentence: "I can't believe she'd be so gauche as to ask you how much money you earn," Courtney huffed.
Did you know? "Gauche" is one of several words that come from old suspicions or negative associations surrounding the left side and use of the left hand. In French, "gauche" literally means "left," and it has the extended meanings "awkward" and "clumsy." Presumably these meanings came about because left-handed people could appear awkward trying to manage in a right-handed world - or perhaps because right-handed people appear awkward when they try to use their left hand. In fact, "awkward" itself comes from the Middle English "awke," meaning "turned the wrong way" or "left-handed." On the other hand, "adroit" and "dexterity" have their roots in words meaning "right" or "on the right side."
Example Sentence: "I can't believe she'd be so gauche as to ask you how much money you earn," Courtney huffed.
Did you know? "Gauche" is one of several words that come from old suspicions or negative associations surrounding the left side and use of the left hand. In French, "gauche" literally means "left," and it has the extended meanings "awkward" and "clumsy." Presumably these meanings came about because left-handed people could appear awkward trying to manage in a right-handed world - or perhaps because right-handed people appear awkward when they try to use their left hand. In fact, "awkward" itself comes from the Middle English "awke," meaning "turned the wrong way" or "left-handed." On the other hand, "adroit" and "dexterity" have their roots in words meaning "right" or "on the right side."
Saturday, November 1, 2008
New Goal
I am going to start fasting again tomorrow. I haven't fasted since I got pregnant with Tyler - almost 5 years now. It'll be hard to do but I can do it. I am going to fast about the upcoming election. It is a very important decision that needs to be taken very seriously and I hope that we get the right guy. In my mind there is only one right choice. One choice that will not bring our country down. One choice that will keep this country afloat. One morally right choice. I will be fasting and praying that America makes the right choice and that we can make it through this election. And that, whatever the outcome, we can live with what happens.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 3
Today I read 1 Nephi chapter 3. I was so excited because about half way through it Tyler stopped me and said, "Mom? I love this!" And then when I finished chapter 3 he asked for another chapter. So I read chapter 4. Of course they loved this chapter because it's the one where Nephi kills Laban.
Exercise Day 42
Well, I just couldn't quite make it to 8. I was so pooped after 6. :(
I did 6 miles in 94.02 minutes. The first mile I started at 3 then went to 3.5 after 1/8 mile. Then I kept it at 3.5 and went up to 6 incline and worked my way down every 1/8 mile. The second mile I went back and forth from 5 to 3.5 every 1/4 mile. The incline was at a 1. The third and fourth miles I walked at a 4 mph and put the incline up from one to four and back down to one every 1/4 mile. The fifth mile I went from 3.5 to 5 mph every 1/8 mile at a 1 incline. The last mile I walked at 3.5 and went from 1 to 4 incline and back to 1 every 1/4 mile.
I burned 732 calories and 228 fat calories.
6 miles down -2 miles to go.
I am going to finish on Monday. After I get my 100 miles I am going to figure out my non-treadmill miles I've walked the last month and a half and add them in. Then I'm going to keep track of my total miles walked. I'll probably go down to walking between 2 and 4 miles a day and maybe throw in an exercise video.
I did 6 miles in 94.02 minutes. The first mile I started at 3 then went to 3.5 after 1/8 mile. Then I kept it at 3.5 and went up to 6 incline and worked my way down every 1/8 mile. The second mile I went back and forth from 5 to 3.5 every 1/4 mile. The incline was at a 1. The third and fourth miles I walked at a 4 mph and put the incline up from one to four and back down to one every 1/4 mile. The fifth mile I went from 3.5 to 5 mph every 1/8 mile at a 1 incline. The last mile I walked at 3.5 and went from 1 to 4 incline and back to 1 every 1/4 mile.
I burned 732 calories and 228 fat calories.
6 miles down -2 miles to go.
I am going to finish on Monday. After I get my 100 miles I am going to figure out my non-treadmill miles I've walked the last month and a half and add them in. Then I'm going to keep track of my total miles walked. I'll probably go down to walking between 2 and 4 miles a day and maybe throw in an exercise video.
Daily Affirmations
I am grateful for my job. I love working lia sophia. The parties are wonderful and I love meeting all these new people. It seems like parties just fall into my lap. People want to book parties because of all the awesome benefits they get - and the jewelry is awesome! I am watching my calender fill up and have a wealth of parties to do. I love it! My hostesses are great to work with and it seems like they are all willing to do what is necessary to have good parties. The guests are great and I love all my returning customers. I love trying to get to new levels of challenging myself. Meeting new people and making new friends is just a perk of the business. And earning free jewelry, well, that's just icing on the cake!
3 Things
1. I love lia sophia. I had a party tonight and it went really well. I have so much fun!
2. I love my two cute boys. Today they were so sweet. After I picked them up from the party they kept taking turns saying that I'm "gorgeous" and "beautiful". They're so stinking fun!
3. I am grateful that Mark is on his way home tonight. I hope that he gets home safely.
2. I love my two cute boys. Today they were so sweet. After I picked them up from the party they kept taking turns saying that I'm "gorgeous" and "beautiful". They're so stinking fun!
3. I am grateful that Mark is on his way home tonight. I hope that he gets home safely.
Word of the Day
parry\PAIR-ee\v. 1: to ward off a weapon or blow. 2: to evade especially by an adroit answer.
Example Sentence: The senator effectively parried all Beverly's questions about his dubious financial affairs.
Did you know? "Parry" (which is used in fencing, among other applications) probably comes from "parez," a form of the French verb "parer," meaning "to guard or ward off." Its history can be compared with that of two other English words: "parapet" and "parasol." Those two terms go back to an Italian word ("parare") that means "to shield or guard." (A parapet shields soldiers and a parasol wards off the sun.) All three - "parry," "parapet," and "parasol" - can ultimately be traced to the Latin "parare," meaning "to prepare." And they're not alone. Other descendants of the Latin term include "apparatus," "disparate," "emperor," and even "prepare."
With Mark for a husband, I've learned to be quite good at parrying his verbiage.
Example Sentence: The senator effectively parried all Beverly's questions about his dubious financial affairs.
Did you know? "Parry" (which is used in fencing, among other applications) probably comes from "parez," a form of the French verb "parer," meaning "to guard or ward off." Its history can be compared with that of two other English words: "parapet" and "parasol." Those two terms go back to an Italian word ("parare") that means "to shield or guard." (A parapet shields soldiers and a parasol wards off the sun.) All three - "parry," "parapet," and "parasol" - can ultimately be traced to the Latin "parare," meaning "to prepare." And they're not alone. Other descendants of the Latin term include "apparatus," "disparate," "emperor," and even "prepare."
With Mark for a husband, I've learned to be quite good at parrying his verbiage.
Getting Going Day 5
I still haven't gotten going! I've been up for about 2 hours now. I am going to go get my exercising done right now though.
Going to Bed Day 10
I was so exhausted after trick or treating. We walked all over the place. And I ended up carrying Ethan for the last part of it. I swear I walked 12 miles! Anyway, I went to bed at about 10:15 after I'd gotten the kids to bed, cleaned up the mess from Halloween, put the candy away and started some laundry.
Cleaning Day 29
I did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, wiped off the table, picked up, cleaned off the stairs and vacuumed. I had my family coming over for Halloween.
Friday, October 31, 2008
3 Things
1. I am grateful that Mark got to take another day off and that his boss was nice enough to go up to Wyoming last night so that Mark can be home with his kids for Halloween. I really appreciate him being able to be home. And he's been on the computer today but at least he's home!
2. I love my parents. They are such good grandparents to my kids. They are coming trick or treating with the kids today.
3. I love my in-laws. They are all great and I wish they could live closer so they could be more active participants in their grandkids lives. We miss you!
2. I love my parents. They are such good grandparents to my kids. They are coming trick or treating with the kids today.
3. I love my in-laws. They are all great and I wish they could live closer so they could be more active participants in their grandkids lives. We miss you!
Scriptures with the Kids Day 2
Today we read 1 Nephi chapter 2. I also read to them about Enos out of the Book of Mormon stories - the picture book the church has. We did pretty well with the reading until about half way through the UPS man rang the door bell and interrupted us. Then the boys didn't want to finish. I did though! :)
Word of the Day
chiropteran\kye-RAHP-tuh-run\n. 1: any of an order of night-flying mammals with forelimbs modified to form wings: bat.
Example Sentence: The vampire hunters were greeted by swarms of chiropterans as they entered Dracula's castle.
Did you know? "Chiroptera" is the name of the order of the only mammal capable of true flight, the bat. The name is influence by the hand-like wings of bats, which are formed from four elongated "fingers" covered by a cutaneous membrane. It is based on the Greek words for "hand," "cheir," and "wing," "pteron." "Cheir" also had a hand in the formation of the word "surgery," which is ultimately derived from the ancient word "cheirourgos," meaning "doing by hand." "Pteron" is widely used in technical names of flying insects. It's also the ancestor of a well-known, common word: "helicopter," which joins "pteron" with Greek "heliko," meaning "spiral."
Example Sentence: The vampire hunters were greeted by swarms of chiropterans as they entered Dracula's castle.
Did you know? "Chiroptera" is the name of the order of the only mammal capable of true flight, the bat. The name is influence by the hand-like wings of bats, which are formed from four elongated "fingers" covered by a cutaneous membrane. It is based on the Greek words for "hand," "cheir," and "wing," "pteron." "Cheir" also had a hand in the formation of the word "surgery," which is ultimately derived from the ancient word "cheirourgos," meaning "doing by hand." "Pteron" is widely used in technical names of flying insects. It's also the ancestor of a well-known, common word: "helicopter," which joins "pteron" with Greek "heliko," meaning "spiral."
Getting Going Day 4
I had a hard time getting going this morning. I snuggled the boys on the couch for a long time then laid in bed while the boys wrestled their Daddy.
Going to Bed Day 10
I was a really big slacker last night. I stayed up with my husband agian until about 11:30 and then I read my scriptures. I am torn with being a good wife and going to bed. What to do? And I really felt that I needed to start my scripture reading.
Personal Scriptures Day 1
Last night I read 1 Nephi chapters 1-3. Here are my thoughts and specific verses that stood out to me.
Chapter 1 verse 3: Nephi says "And I know that the record which I make is true." I feel like this is a small glimpse of his testimony of what he has written.
Chapter 1 verses 14 & 15: And it came to pass that when my father had read and seen many great and marvelous things, he did exclaim many things unto the Lord; such as: Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God Almighty! Thy throne is high in the heavens, and thy power, and goodness, and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth; and, because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who come unto thee that they shall perish!
15 And after this manner was the language of my father in the praising of his God; for his soul did rejoice, and his whole heart was filled, because of the things which he had seen, yea, which the Lord had shown unto him.
I feel that if we had any idea of what the whole plan contained we would want to give constant praise and thank God. Also, I feel it is important that there are two exclamation points in verse 14. There aren't many of those in the Book of Mormon. I think it is noteworthy that he says that God is merciful and that those who come to him will not perish!
Chapter 1 verse 20: I LOVE where it says: "But behold, I, Nehpi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." I learned in an institute class this little mathematical formula: TM/C *F=M D (you'll have to pretend it's a little D - like "squared" I don't know how to do it!) It means:
The tender mercies of the Lord are over
those who he chooses * multiplied by their faithfulness =
Make them mighty "squared" with deliverance.
Chapter 2 verse 3: And it came to pass that he was obedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him.
It doesn't say, "And it came to pass that he decided that he really didn't want to leave so he asked again, 'just to make sure.'" I think it's important for us to do something when we are told to do it. I find myself struggling with this time and time again. Just an example, there have been times when the kids will do something that's just not quite right, usually a Friday, and I'll think to myself "I'd better take the kids in to the doctor to make sure they're not getting sick" - never fails that I talk myself out of it because they are acting just fine. Also never fails that they wake up late that night, after the PM Pediatrics is closed, sick. And I get in trouble with my husband for not taking them in during the day - even though they have showed NO real symptoms of being sick. I need to listen and obey better.
Chapter 2 verse 14: And it came to pass that my father did speak unto them in the valley of Lemuel, with power, being filled with the Spirit, until their frames did shake before him. And he did confound them, that they durst not utter against him; wherefore, they did as he commanded them.
This is the first time that the power of the Lord is revealed unto Laman and Lemuel. But again by verse 18 they are murmuring.
Chapter 2 verse 16: And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers.
It amazes me that there is such a difference between the brothers. Laman and Lemuel never really believe and are only good when compelled. Nephi has a doubt in his mind and takes it to the Lord. His faith is AMAZING. Also, it is good to know that it doesn't matter how old you are, you can still receive answers to prayers, which reminds me of a young boy I know of. 14 years old and wanted to know the truth so he prayed. The reason behind the restoration of the church.
Chapter 3 verse 2 & 3: And it came to pass that he spake unto me, saying: Behold I have dreamed a dream, in the which the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brethren shall return to Jerusalem.
3 For behold, Laban hath the record of the Jews and also a genealogy of my forefathers, and they are engraven upon plates of brass.
The scriptures are so important that they would risk their lives by going back to get them. Maybe we shouldn't take them for granted.
Chapter 3 verse 7: And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the thins which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
It seems like everyone loves this verse, I do. It's my Dad's favorite verse. I love that Nephi is so willing to do the work of the Lord and that he has no doubt that He will help him do it.
Chapter 3 verses 16 & 22: Wherefore, let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; therefore let us go down to the land of our father's inheritance, for behold he left gold and silver, and all manner of riches. And all this he hath done because of the commandments of the Lord.
22 And it came to pass that we went down to the land of our inheritance, and we did gather together our gold, and our silver, and our precious things.
The scriptures were of such worth to them that they were willing to give up all worldly riches. They were all that they had, which is says in verse 25 was "exceedingly great."
Chapter 3 verse 28: And it came to pass that Laman was angry with me, and also with my father; and also was Lemuel, for he hearkened unto the words of Laman. Wherefore Laman and Lemuel did speak many hard words unto us, their younger brothers, and they did smite us even with a rod.
I think that it goes to show the great character of Nephi and Sam. That they were willing to take a beating because of the importance of the scriptures. And I don't think they fought back either, even though Nephi was large in stature and probably could have defended himself.
Chapter 3 verse 29: And it came to pass as they smote us with a rod, behold, an angel of the Lord came and stood before them, and he spake unto them, saying: Why do ye smite your younger brother with a rod? Know ye not that the Lord hath chosen him to be a ruler over you, and this because of your iniquities? Behold, ye shall go up to Jerusalem again, and the Lord will deliver Laban into your hands.
This is the second time that Laman and Lemuel are shown the power of God.
Chapter 3 verse 31: And after the angel had departed, Laman and Lemuel again began to murmur, saying: How is it possible that the Lord will deliver Laban into our hands? Behold, he is a mighty man, and he can command fifty, yea, even he can slay fifty; then why not us?
They were just told that the Lord would deliver Laban unto them and yet they are murmuring. Again. They saw an angel and they are murmuring. Again. Immediately.
Chapter 1 verse 3: Nephi says "And I know that the record which I make is true." I feel like this is a small glimpse of his testimony of what he has written.
Chapter 1 verses 14 & 15: And it came to pass that when my father had read and seen many great and marvelous things, he did exclaim many things unto the Lord; such as: Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God Almighty! Thy throne is high in the heavens, and thy power, and goodness, and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth; and, because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who come unto thee that they shall perish!
15 And after this manner was the language of my father in the praising of his God; for his soul did rejoice, and his whole heart was filled, because of the things which he had seen, yea, which the Lord had shown unto him.
I feel that if we had any idea of what the whole plan contained we would want to give constant praise and thank God. Also, I feel it is important that there are two exclamation points in verse 14. There aren't many of those in the Book of Mormon. I think it is noteworthy that he says that God is merciful and that those who come to him will not perish!
Chapter 1 verse 20: I LOVE where it says: "But behold, I, Nehpi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." I learned in an institute class this little mathematical formula: TM/C *F=M D (you'll have to pretend it's a little D - like "squared" I don't know how to do it!) It means:
The tender mercies of the Lord are over
those who he chooses * multiplied by their faithfulness =
Make them mighty "squared" with deliverance.
Chapter 2 verse 3: And it came to pass that he was obedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him.
It doesn't say, "And it came to pass that he decided that he really didn't want to leave so he asked again, 'just to make sure.'" I think it's important for us to do something when we are told to do it. I find myself struggling with this time and time again. Just an example, there have been times when the kids will do something that's just not quite right, usually a Friday, and I'll think to myself "I'd better take the kids in to the doctor to make sure they're not getting sick" - never fails that I talk myself out of it because they are acting just fine. Also never fails that they wake up late that night, after the PM Pediatrics is closed, sick. And I get in trouble with my husband for not taking them in during the day - even though they have showed NO real symptoms of being sick. I need to listen and obey better.
Chapter 2 verse 14: And it came to pass that my father did speak unto them in the valley of Lemuel, with power, being filled with the Spirit, until their frames did shake before him. And he did confound them, that they durst not utter against him; wherefore, they did as he commanded them.
This is the first time that the power of the Lord is revealed unto Laman and Lemuel. But again by verse 18 they are murmuring.
Chapter 2 verse 16: And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers.
It amazes me that there is such a difference between the brothers. Laman and Lemuel never really believe and are only good when compelled. Nephi has a doubt in his mind and takes it to the Lord. His faith is AMAZING. Also, it is good to know that it doesn't matter how old you are, you can still receive answers to prayers, which reminds me of a young boy I know of. 14 years old and wanted to know the truth so he prayed. The reason behind the restoration of the church.
Chapter 3 verse 2 & 3: And it came to pass that he spake unto me, saying: Behold I have dreamed a dream, in the which the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brethren shall return to Jerusalem.
3 For behold, Laban hath the record of the Jews and also a genealogy of my forefathers, and they are engraven upon plates of brass.
The scriptures are so important that they would risk their lives by going back to get them. Maybe we shouldn't take them for granted.
Chapter 3 verse 7: And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the thins which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
It seems like everyone loves this verse, I do. It's my Dad's favorite verse. I love that Nephi is so willing to do the work of the Lord and that he has no doubt that He will help him do it.
Chapter 3 verses 16 & 22: Wherefore, let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; therefore let us go down to the land of our father's inheritance, for behold he left gold and silver, and all manner of riches. And all this he hath done because of the commandments of the Lord.
22 And it came to pass that we went down to the land of our inheritance, and we did gather together our gold, and our silver, and our precious things.
The scriptures were of such worth to them that they were willing to give up all worldly riches. They were all that they had, which is says in verse 25 was "exceedingly great."
Chapter 3 verse 28: And it came to pass that Laman was angry with me, and also with my father; and also was Lemuel, for he hearkened unto the words of Laman. Wherefore Laman and Lemuel did speak many hard words unto us, their younger brothers, and they did smite us even with a rod.
I think that it goes to show the great character of Nephi and Sam. That they were willing to take a beating because of the importance of the scriptures. And I don't think they fought back either, even though Nephi was large in stature and probably could have defended himself.
Chapter 3 verse 29: And it came to pass as they smote us with a rod, behold, an angel of the Lord came and stood before them, and he spake unto them, saying: Why do ye smite your younger brother with a rod? Know ye not that the Lord hath chosen him to be a ruler over you, and this because of your iniquities? Behold, ye shall go up to Jerusalem again, and the Lord will deliver Laban into your hands.
This is the second time that Laman and Lemuel are shown the power of God.
Chapter 3 verse 31: And after the angel had departed, Laman and Lemuel again began to murmur, saying: How is it possible that the Lord will deliver Laban into our hands? Behold, he is a mighty man, and he can command fifty, yea, even he can slay fifty; then why not us?
They were just told that the Lord would deliver Laban unto them and yet they are murmuring. Again. They saw an angel and they are murmuring. Again. Immediately.
Happy Halloween!
I know it's totally cheating, again, but I'm going to take the day off for the exercise portion of my goals. I am having company and so I need to cook. Plus, I think that today may be one of the last nice days of the year and I need to get my back yard cut down for the winter. Besides, I've already cheated once - I can do it again for a holiday right? I'll get all 8 miles done tomorrow, Saturday.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Word of the Day
palpable\PAL-puh-bul\adj. 1: capable of being touched or felt: tangible. 2: obvious, plain.
Example Sentence: There was a palpable excitement in the air as the actors prepared to go on stage on opening night.
Did you know? The word "palpable" has been used in English since the 14th century. It derives from the Latin word "palpare," meaning "stroke" or "caress" - the same root that gives us the word "palpitation." The Latin verb is also a linguistic ancestor of the verb "feel." "Palpable" can be used to describe things that can be felt through the skin, such as a palpable sweat, but even more frequently is used in reference to things that cannot be touched but are still so easy to perceive that it is as though they could be touched - such as a palpable tension in the air.
My use: My kids are emitting a palpable excitement for Halloween tomorrow.
Example Sentence: There was a palpable excitement in the air as the actors prepared to go on stage on opening night.
Did you know? The word "palpable" has been used in English since the 14th century. It derives from the Latin word "palpare," meaning "stroke" or "caress" - the same root that gives us the word "palpitation." The Latin verb is also a linguistic ancestor of the verb "feel." "Palpable" can be used to describe things that can be felt through the skin, such as a palpable sweat, but even more frequently is used in reference to things that cannot be touched but are still so easy to perceive that it is as though they could be touched - such as a palpable tension in the air.
My use: My kids are emitting a palpable excitement for Halloween tomorrow.
3 Things
1. I am grateful that Mark got to take the day off. He's been working so hard lately. It was nice for him to get some time to relax and spend at home with the family. The boys really enjoyed walking to school and back with their Daddy.
2. I am grateful for the beautiful weather we're still enjoying. It seems that most Halloweens are either snowy or freezing cold and I think *cross your fingers* that it will be nice tomorrow.
3. I'm grateful that I could get the front yard cut down and ready for winter. Now I just need to get the back done and I'll be ready for snow. Well, I won't really be ready for snow but the yard will be anyway!
2. I am grateful for the beautiful weather we're still enjoying. It seems that most Halloweens are either snowy or freezing cold and I think *cross your fingers* that it will be nice tomorrow.
3. I'm grateful that I could get the front yard cut down and ready for winter. Now I just need to get the back done and I'll be ready for snow. Well, I won't really be ready for snow but the yard will be anyway!
Daily Affirmations
I am strong. I can do my remaining 8 miles in ONE day. I have built lots of muscles through my exercising the last month and a half that will enable me to accomplish my goal. I will make the time necessary to walk 8 miles. My body will give me the great amount of energy and stamina I will need to do my walking to finish my 100 miles. WOW! 100 miles in 42 days.
Exercise Day 41
Today I did 4 miles in 60.10 minutes. The first mile I started at 3 then 3.5 mph for the first quarter then went to a 4 for the remaining 3/4. The incline was at a 3. The second mile I did 3.5 to 5, back and forth every 1/8 mile. The incline was at 1. The third mile I walked at a 4 mph at a 3 incline for the first 1/2 and 1 for the second half. The last mile I went from 5 to 3.5, back and forth every 1/8 mile. I set the incline at a 2 for the first 1/2 and 1 for the second half.
I burned 520 calories and 162 fat calories.
4 miles down - 8 to go.
I tried to get back down to do the remaining 2 miles but I was crazy busy for the rest of the day. I'm going to have to do it tomorrow.
I burned 520 calories and 162 fat calories.
4 miles down - 8 to go.
I tried to get back down to do the remaining 2 miles but I was crazy busy for the rest of the day. I'm going to have to do it tomorrow.
Scriptures with the Kids Day 1
Today I read to the boys while they ate breakfast. We started the Book of Mormon new. I read them 1 Nephi chapter 1. They didn't pay much attention unless I talked about perishing or something gruesome like that! I figure that as long as we're trying we'll get to where we need to be. I do have to say that I feel like I didn't yell as much today and we had an overall calm in the house.
Getting Going Day 3
I got right up and snuggled with my kids for a little while, read them some books, and then made breakfast.
Going to Bed Day 9
I didn't get to bed until about 11:30. I know. I know. I'm doing it to myself. It's just that my husband had to be up on the computer for work and he gets lonely. And he's been working so much lately that I jump at any chance to spend time with him. I love him! :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New Goals
I'm going to start doing FHE on a weekly basis - Monday's.
I'm going to start reading my scriptures daily.
I'm going to start reading the scriptures to the boys daily.
I'm going to start reading my scriptures daily.
I'm going to start reading the scriptures to the boys daily.
Daily Affirmations
I love my life. I am a very lucky girl to be where I am. My love for my family is great and I have a lot of patience with them. Especially my kids. I know that they are learning and they push the limits to learn. I love teaching them. I love to take the time out of my day to feed my children's minds and souls. I want to teach them about the gospel and my love for it. I want them to have a personal relationship with their Savior and do everything I can to take advantage of learning moments. I am going to start doing Family Home Evening on a weekly basis. I will start on Monday. FHE is a great opportunity for my family to learn and grow and become closer to each other and the Lord. I will prepare for FHE on Sunday evenings. I would also like to get back to reading the scriptures, myself personally as well as with the kids, daily. I love the scriptures and feel the loss in my life when I'm not reading them. It is good for me to read them because I have a greater sense of calm when I do. I will pass this calm on to my kids.
I know it is totally cheating on my time line but I wasn't home for long enough to get my exercise done today so I'm cheating and extending it out. I'll finish by Friday - final day. I swear. I'm going to for sure do it tomorrow and Friday. :)
3 Things
1. I love all my TV shows. I watch Dancing with the Stars, CSI, CSI:Miami, CSI:NY, Criminal Minds, Medium, Two and a Half Men, My Name is Earl, Without a Trace, The Closer, In Plain Sight. Probably more but that's what I can think of. We DVR them and then watch it later so we can skip the commercials. I can't even watch TV regular time now.
2. I love the Twilight series. It is so good. Takes me out of reality. I want all 4 books for Christmas.
3. I am really grateful for Ms. Karen - Tyler's teacher. She is absolutely AMAZING and does a ton of work for the kids she teaches. She really loves what she does and it shows in how she treats the kids. Tyler loves her so much.
2. I love the Twilight series. It is so good. Takes me out of reality. I want all 4 books for Christmas.
3. I am really grateful for Ms. Karen - Tyler's teacher. She is absolutely AMAZING and does a ton of work for the kids she teaches. She really loves what she does and it shows in how she treats the kids. Tyler loves her so much.
Cleaning Day 27
My main floor is managing to stay fairly clean. I vacuumed today and did dishes and cleaned up from making cookies. I need to try to get upstairs cleaned up tomorrow.
Getting Going Day 2
Today I got up and got straight to making cookies again then headed out for the Halloween Carnival at school. We were gone for quite a while and then I had some work to do.
Word of the Day
superficies\soo-per-FISH-eez\n. 1: a surface of a body or a region of space 2: the external aspects or appearance of a thing.
Example Sentence: Although there have been changes in the superficies of our lives, many of the human dilemmas faced by our ancestors are still quite recognizable.
Did you know? Look below the surface of "superficies" and "surface" and you'll find the very same Latin roots: "super-," meaning "on top," and "facies," meaning "face" or aspect." English speakers plucked "superficies" right from Latin - it menas "surface" in that language. Our word "surface" came to us by way of Middle French, where "sur-" (which comes from "super" and also means "on top") was combined with "face (meaning "face"; from "facies"). We added "surface" to our crop of borrowed words around 1600, and the first known use of "superficies" is from 1530. One tricky thing to keep in mind about "superficies" is that it can be singular (even though it ends in an "s"!) or plural. There is no "superficie" or "superficy."
My use: The superficies of our house has changed from when we first bought it. We re-did the yard.
Example Sentence: Although there have been changes in the superficies of our lives, many of the human dilemmas faced by our ancestors are still quite recognizable.
Did you know? Look below the surface of "superficies" and "surface" and you'll find the very same Latin roots: "super-," meaning "on top," and "facies," meaning "face" or aspect." English speakers plucked "superficies" right from Latin - it menas "surface" in that language. Our word "surface" came to us by way of Middle French, where "sur-" (which comes from "super" and also means "on top") was combined with "face (meaning "face"; from "facies"). We added "surface" to our crop of borrowed words around 1600, and the first known use of "superficies" is from 1530. One tricky thing to keep in mind about "superficies" is that it can be singular (even though it ends in an "s"!) or plural. There is no "superficie" or "superficy."
My use: The superficies of our house has changed from when we first bought it. We re-did the yard.
Perma Soft Sugar Cookies
I totally stole this recipe from my cute cousin, Jen.
Perma Soft Sugar Cookies
1 cup sour cream
2 cups sugar
1 cup shortening
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
6 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside. Cream together sour cream, sugar, shortening, eggs and vanilla.
HINT: If you have the eggs at room temperature and then beat them for 3-5 minutes before adding the other ingredients, the cookies will come out really light and fluffy.
Slowly add the flour mixture until well blended. Chill for at least 15 minutes. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Roll out the dough to about 1/4 inch thickness, or a little thicker. Cut out your cookie shapes. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 8 to 10 minutes ~ do not let them bake any longer than 10 minutes! (check that the tops are just SLIGHTLY golden.)
Let them rest on the baking sheet for 1-2 minutes before moving them to a wire rack.
Perma Soft Sugar Cookies
1 cup sour cream
2 cups sugar
1 cup shortening
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
6 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside. Cream together sour cream, sugar, shortening, eggs and vanilla.
HINT: If you have the eggs at room temperature and then beat them for 3-5 minutes before adding the other ingredients, the cookies will come out really light and fluffy.
Slowly add the flour mixture until well blended. Chill for at least 15 minutes. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Roll out the dough to about 1/4 inch thickness, or a little thicker. Cut out your cookie shapes. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 8 to 10 minutes ~ do not let them bake any longer than 10 minutes! (check that the tops are just SLIGHTLY golden.)
Let them rest on the baking sheet for 1-2 minutes before moving them to a wire rack.
Going to Bed Day 8
I forgot until about 9 when I got Tyler to bed that I had to make cookies for school today and I needed eggs at room temperature so I got my eggs out, watched a show and then made cookies. I got to bed about 11:15.
I am happy to say that Ethan slept through the night - other than calling out once. But he didn't get up. Tyler on the other hand must have sensed that Ethan was going to let me sleep and he got up - and was up for about an hour and a half.
I'm especially feeling the tired-ness today, I think because of all the miles I've gotten under my belt. And more to do today...
I am happy to say that Ethan slept through the night - other than calling out once. But he didn't get up. Tyler on the other hand must have sensed that Ethan was going to let me sleep and he got up - and was up for about an hour and a half.
I'm especially feeling the tired-ness today, I think because of all the miles I've gotten under my belt. And more to do today...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Word of the Day
eldritch\EL-dritch\adj. 1: weird, eerie
Example Sentence: Christina accompanied her ghost story by playing a recording filled with creaks, howls, and other eldritch sound effects.
Did you know? "Curse," "cobweb," "witch," "ghost," and even "Halloween" - all of these potentially spooky words have roots in Old English. "Eldritch," also, comes from a time when otherworldly beings were commonly thought to inhabit the earth. The word is about 500 years old and believed to have come from Middle English "elfriche," meaning "fairyland." The two components of "elfriche" - "elf" and "riche" - come from the Old English "aelf" and "rice" (words which meant, literally, "elf kingdom"). Robert Louis Stevenson wasn't scared of "eldritch." He used the term in his novel Kidnapped: "'The curse on him and his house, byre and stable, man, guest, and master, wife, miss, or bairn - black, black be their fall!' - The woman, whose voice had risen to a kind of eldritch sing-song, turned with a skip, and was gone."
My use: I am getting excited for all the eldritch that is known as Halloween.
Example Sentence: Christina accompanied her ghost story by playing a recording filled with creaks, howls, and other eldritch sound effects.
Did you know? "Curse," "cobweb," "witch," "ghost," and even "Halloween" - all of these potentially spooky words have roots in Old English. "Eldritch," also, comes from a time when otherworldly beings were commonly thought to inhabit the earth. The word is about 500 years old and believed to have come from Middle English "elfriche," meaning "fairyland." The two components of "elfriche" - "elf" and "riche" - come from the Old English "aelf" and "rice" (words which meant, literally, "elf kingdom"). Robert Louis Stevenson wasn't scared of "eldritch." He used the term in his novel Kidnapped: "'The curse on him and his house, byre and stable, man, guest, and master, wife, miss, or bairn - black, black be their fall!' - The woman, whose voice had risen to a kind of eldritch sing-song, turned with a skip, and was gone."
My use: I am getting excited for all the eldritch that is known as Halloween.
Daily Affirmations
Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all. Ethan is a good sleeper. Ethan sleeps through the night. Ethan doesn't wake up at night any more at all. Ethan doesn't call out in his sleep at all.
Okay, so that's more wishes than affirmations. Here's for real: I really appreciate all the energy that Ethan has. I appreciate all the sleep I do get and the nights that he sleeps all night. Even the nights he gets up I get plenty of sleep to get on with my day and do the things I need to do as a mom and a productive house wife. I love snuggling through the night with Ethan and know that snuggle time will be gone far too soon. I take care not to take this time for granted. I love it when he plays with my hair while he's sleeping. I appreciate the extra warmth from his little body in the middle of the night. I really love the bond that we have formed through the many sleepless nights. I love my Ethan.
Okay, so that's more wishes than affirmations. Here's for real: I really appreciate all the energy that Ethan has. I appreciate all the sleep I do get and the nights that he sleeps all night. Even the nights he gets up I get plenty of sleep to get on with my day and do the things I need to do as a mom and a productive house wife. I love snuggling through the night with Ethan and know that snuggle time will be gone far too soon. I take care not to take this time for granted. I love it when he plays with my hair while he's sleeping. I appreciate the extra warmth from his little body in the middle of the night. I really love the bond that we have formed through the many sleepless nights. I love my Ethan.
Exercise Day 40
Today I did 6 miles in 98.35 minutes. For the first 2 miles I walked at 3.5 mph and put the incline up at 5 and worked my way down in 1/8 mile increments then up to 10 and down. For the next 2 miles I walked at 4 mph at a 1 incline. The next mile I walked at a 4 mph and did 1 to 4 then back to 1 for incline. The last mile I walked at 3.5 mph at a 1 incline and did punches. It took me a long time to get all 6 miles in but I did it. And I didn't have it in me to do any jogging so walking had to do. I burned 765 calories and 239 fat calories.
6 more down - 12 to go! I'm getting so close I can taste it!
6 more down - 12 to go! I'm getting so close I can taste it!
3 Things
1. I am so thankful that I get to stay home with my kids. I'm very lucky.
2. I am glad that Jenny got to come over to play today. I'm glad that we've gotten back in touch and I've enjoyed talking to her and getting to know her and her kids. I'm also glad that my boys get along with her kids.
3. I love Mark's sexy bum.
2. I am glad that Jenny got to come over to play today. I'm glad that we've gotten back in touch and I've enjoyed talking to her and getting to know her and her kids. I'm also glad that my boys get along with her kids.
3. I love Mark's sexy bum.
Getting Going Day 1
I got up and straight into my exercise clothes and headed straight downstairs. Yipee!
Going to Bed Day 7
I got to bed at 11. I got to 10 and was ready for bed and remembered I'd forgotten to do something.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cleaning Day 26
Today I got the main floor cleaned up. I picked up, did dishes, cleaned the counter, swept and mopped. I still need to vacuum, finish clearing off the counter and wipe off the table.
Exercise Day 39
I started with lifting weights. For about a half an hour. I did arms and such. I didn't do abs.
I broke my treadmill into 2 parts because I had to take my kiddo to school. First half I did 3 miles in 45.30 minutes. For the first 2 miles I walked quickly at 4 mph and went up and down between 1 and 4 incline. For the last mile I did 5 mph for the first 1/2 mile then 3.5 for 1/4 mile, 4 mph for 1/8 mile, and ended with 3.5 mph for the last 1/8 mile. I burned 398 calories and 124 fat calories.
I walked my son to school - 1 mile.
The second half of my treadmill exercise I did 3 miles in 44.55 minutes. For the first mile I went back and forth between 3.5 and 5 mph in 1/8 mile increments. The second mile I went back and forth between 3.5 and 6 mph in 1/8 mile increments. The last mile I did 3.5 mph for 1/4 mile, 4 mph for 1/2 mile, and 3.5 mph for the last 1/4 mile. I burned 347 calories and 108 fat calories.
I walked down to school to pick my son up - 1 mile.
Total of 8 miles today - I'm going to count 6 towards my goal.
6 miles down - 18 to go. So close.
I broke my treadmill into 2 parts because I had to take my kiddo to school. First half I did 3 miles in 45.30 minutes. For the first 2 miles I walked quickly at 4 mph and went up and down between 1 and 4 incline. For the last mile I did 5 mph for the first 1/2 mile then 3.5 for 1/4 mile, 4 mph for 1/8 mile, and ended with 3.5 mph for the last 1/8 mile. I burned 398 calories and 124 fat calories.
I walked my son to school - 1 mile.
The second half of my treadmill exercise I did 3 miles in 44.55 minutes. For the first mile I went back and forth between 3.5 and 5 mph in 1/8 mile increments. The second mile I went back and forth between 3.5 and 6 mph in 1/8 mile increments. The last mile I did 3.5 mph for 1/4 mile, 4 mph for 1/2 mile, and 3.5 mph for the last 1/4 mile. I burned 347 calories and 108 fat calories.
I walked down to school to pick my son up - 1 mile.
Total of 8 miles today - I'm going to count 6 towards my goal.
6 miles down - 18 to go. So close.
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